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'I wonder if I will ever see the light beyond this darkness.' The girl thought as she walked aimlessly at the dark path, not knowing where to go. It had always been the same thing over and over again ever since she could remember.

'I want to go outside. Will I reach the end of this road?' She thought to herself, sitting down to rest. Her eyes lingered a little far off forward before closing them again. Inhaling deeply, she sang a song which seemed to be engraved in her mind ever since. Suddenly, a bright light shone upon her figure. She caught a glimpse of herself, having a light shade of pink hair, pale skin due to the darkness and a black dress.

'So this is the color of my hair. What about my eyes?' She contemplated when a voice interrupted her train of thoughts. It was masculine, not gruff but a gentle one. The voice was quite distorted, but it had gotten clear soon enough.

'Open your eyes, Little One. The time has come. Your existence is necessary.'

'My existence?'

She walked towards the light in trance. What warm it gave off, such light made her smile after some time of being in the darkness. Chirping sounds were heard as she entered and beside her were whitish yellow birds.

'What are they?' She asked. It tickled when one touched her hand. A buzzing feeling was left, and it assured her that the path she was taking was right.

'They are the rukh.' He answered. It confused the girl but shrugged it off afterwards. She will know the answer soon.

'Rukh. They are all golden and chirping and—' She rambled which made the voice chuckle.

'Yes. They are what comprises our life force.'


She smiled before slipping back into a deep sleep, feeling suddenly tired. Not scared of it, she succumbed to sleep as the light engulfed her. The rukh surrounded the girl, and they seemed to be happy that she was coming back from afterlife.

'I will teach you about the world. What do you want your name to be, Little One?'

'Name? I need one?' She questioned in her slumber. The voice chuckled before being silent once again. He was in deep thought until he uttered a name. Azami.

'Azami.' She tested the name with a smile. It had a nice ring to it.

'I'm finally going to see the world outside.'

'Yes, but before you go, I have to teach you things about the world.'

A flash of bright light entered her body, and it filled her mind with a lot of information. It was overwhelming, and there were things she did not understand. The rukh, magi, dungeons and its conquerors, kingdoms, life and others. It made her head hurt a little, but it was a gift from her savior. Something that she must not waste. It stopped when it quenched her curiosity as well as the fear that crept in her heart. She was a little weary yet excited.

'Who are you?' She questioned. The voice seemed to smile as he answered.

'I am Ugo.' He answered. She yawned and looked at him sleepily.

'I see. Can you be my friend, Ugo?' She asked. He was surprised, but he accepted her proposition.

'Of course.'

'Ugo? Will I be alone when I wake up?'

The voice replied, 'No, the rukh is the blood that flows within everyone. It is something that we all have similarly. There is also someone whom I want you to watch.' He uttered with a smile.

'And this person is?' She questioned.

'A dear friend to me. His name is Aladdin. He's a good kid but I also want you to look out for the other 'magi'.' She nodded and thereafter, bid farewell to her new profound friend.

'I hope we meet again, Ugo.'

'When you die, you will return here, inside this place called the Sacred Palace.'

'I'll see you soon. Goodbye, Ugo.'

'By the way, you have beautiful eyes, Azami.' She blushed a little before waving her hands.


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