Scroll 52: Tale of a New Beginning

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The Sacred Palace shook as the five people inside huffed in exhaustion from the battle they just went through. Alibaba held his arms tightly as blood flowed down. Setta saw his friend's condition and used healing magic in him. Aladdin, on the other hand, glanced at the place worriedly. He felt that there was something wrong yet right with the shaking of the Sacred Palace.

"Hey, chibi! This place is shaking! What's the meaning of this!?" Judar asked frantically. Aladdin told him that he also didn't know. Hakuryuu checked on Alibaba and Setta before commenting that Al-Thamen was finished and so was Sinbad and David.

"Do you think it has something to do with their defeat and the time? Did we not make it?" Hakuryuu asked.

"I don't think so. We still have 5 hours when all the dungeons were conquered and— Where is Azami-nee?" Setta asked. Their eyes widened in realization.

'It can't be. Where is she?' Setta thought as he scanned the place for his dear sister. He could not find her. Aladdin used his magic and he could not detect her as well. Just then, another shake reverberated around the area and debris started to fall.

"This is bad, Setta. We have to get out of here as soon as possible." Aladdin reminded him.

"But Azami-nee is not yet here!" He yelled at the poor magi. Just then, two bright lights went to them and greeted them. It was Stolas and Ronove. Setta asked them where Azami was but all they said was that they had to get out of the Sacred Palace.

"Where is she!?"

"You have to go now, Setta. This place will not last long. We also ask of you this, young Magi. You have to go now or else all of her sacrifice will be ought to nothing." Ronove explained to them seriously. Stolas nodded at them and by now, Setta was more desperate than ever.

"You have to—"

"NOW!" Setta and the rest were engulfed in a blinding light. Using Stolas' power, he made them pass out as he controlled the rukh around. Ronove helped him by using his rukh to remove Solomon's will and Sinbad's. They returned to the mortal world safely and Nerva was surprised and scared at the same time to see Djinns outside their vessels.

"Fear not, young lad. I have a request for you and that is to take them away from here. And then, once Setta wakes up, tell him that his sister loves him more than anything." Ronove and Stolas' lights disintegrated into spectacles as they scattered around the world.

Azami, on the other hand, huffed in exhaustion as her eyes glazed. Her magoi seemed to ran out very fast and her body is disappearing. She smiled bitterly before holding her staff.

"FOR THEIR FUTURE!!! AHHH!!" Her body broke into pieces and eventually turned into rukh that destroyed the Sacred Palace. The pillars fell down the floor and the floor cracked. Sitri and Furcas held unto their mistress as tight as they could. Their bodies were also starting to disappear. Azami glanced at her hands though she could not see it properly since it her vision blurred due to tears and losing consciousness. She called out Ronove and Stolas. Halphas and Ipos finished returning Sinbad to Aladdin's world. They returned and the seven of them used their essence to create the world for Aladdin and the others to take care of.

Furcas used his magic to manipulate the darkness and remove Solomon's and Sinbad's will. Stolas helped him by easing the minds of the mortals. Sitri and Ipos were responsible for the emotions. Ronove and Halphas were in charge of wisdom and knowledge. Azami used her staff to maneuver their magic. She used her borg and kept the path of the Rukh there before manipulating he dimension and sending it somewhere. She looked back at the world she lived and it was covered in darkness but Sitri took care of that. Stolas breathed life while the others did their magic.

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