Scroll 4: Fog Troupe

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'So that's how the King of Sindria wants to solve this?' Azami thought as she looked at her companions, Masrur and Sinbad. Their group was divided into two. One will be guarding the main mansion, where they suspect the Fog Troupe to attack, while the other will be guarding some rich bastard. She stared at her companions before thinking to herself. 'Is this really the right thing to do?' Before she could think of a right solution, her djinn piped up.

'Isn't it too cold here?' Furcas asked. Sitri agreed with him but Azami did not mind the cold. For her, it was not that cold but it was different for Sinbad.

"Oi! Masrur! Stop moving!" She sweat dropped at Sinbad for using Masrur as a wind barrier.

"Sinbad? Catch." She said as she threw him a set of clothing. It was a thick long sleeved top. The king tried it on and was mildly surprised at the comfort it gave.

"This is perfect, Azami! Thank you!" She was about to say something when the rich bastard they were protecting shouted at them for being noisy.

"You three! Stop chattering and take guarding my mansion seriously! I can't believe the army's so short handed that they could only spare the three of you to guard me. I'm so nervous, I can't eat!" That was what he said but with that food in his hands, they could tell that he was bluffing. 'What a stupid old man. Disgusting.' She thought before turning her back on him. Just then, a silhouette of a swaying woman was seen from a distance. She was holding a baby in her hands and Azami could not help but let out a surprised gasp before hurrying to her side.

"Are you alright, Ma'am?" Sinbad and Masrur went to her side but in a second, the woman attacked them with a swipe of her blade.

"What was that!?"

The fog cleared and it was apparent to them that they were surrounded by the slum people. Azami fathomed what the real situation was now. The woman threatened her to give them food or else they will kill them. Sinbad looked at the poor woman and her child.

"Ah! It's those dogs from the slums! Shoo shoo! Here, fetch! And get out of here soon!" He threw his half eaten food which made the woman scamper for it. However, Sinbad stopped her and said, "There is no need for you to do this. The nobles' wealth comes from your taxes. If you don't feel that they deserve it, then you should take it back but don't take lives." They nodded and before the woman goes, Azami called out to her and gave her a portion of her traveling supply.

"Please take this bag with you. It will supply a little of your nourishment but it's enough than having not. Give this to your child as well and," She stopped before touching the baby's head. It glowed a little and the woman teared up for such kindness.

"Thank you!"

Sinbad watched their interaction before glancing back at Masrur.

"Is this alright?" Masrur asked.

"We only agreed to capture the Fog Troupe. This country might be too far gone though." He said grimly.

'Is this country really far too gone?' Azami thought to herself.

'People will always be greedy but not all. That's why we have the magi to guide them. You know that already right?' Furcas said.

'We chose you as our king not only because you accepted us when no one did but also because of your light.' Sitri added. The young capturer was silent and they took that as her response of understanding their situation.

On the other side, a strange scarlet mist covered the area Aladdin and the others were protecting. It had a strange effect towards the soldier as it made them feel euphoria. The young magi and Fanalis noticed it as well but it smelt strange to Morgiana as she realized it was some kind of poison. She immediately brought themselves to the roof of the mansion where Ja'far stood, scanning the area.

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