Scroll 6: Sindria

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Azami tensed when the messenger said that the Kou Empire was near the borders of Balbadd. She knew fully well that Kouen and Koumei will be there. She looked at Alibaba and Aladdin before rushing out towards the shore. Sinbad and his two generals were already there.

'Why is Kou Empire coming to Balbadd? I thought everything was already resolved?'

'That stupid prince must be up to something and Koumei must be here for the talk.' Furcas said with a slight frown on his face.

'They don't know you're here so don't worry. Unless Kougyoku told them that you were here in Balbadd.' Sitri assured her.

"I don't want to deal with them." She protested silently but internally, she was thinking if Kou would invade Balbadd after suffering from civil war. After all, with its weakened state, it will be easy to say that its government was coping with the damage and Kou's vision could easily hold its place.

"Why are they here?" Alibaba asked in astonishment.

"They probably dispatched the army right from the start. That way, they would be able to take advantage of the rebellion and take control over Balbadd." Sinbad replied.

"It's a bit of a pain but Sinbad is right. Kouen would certainly use this opportunity and Koumei will not let it pass since he fully well know what a country needs to sustain. With what just happened, they will have the capability to manipulate them into their bidding. Your country is in quite a pinch, Alibaba." Azami stated with a clear and dignified form. She truly knew what she was saying just by staying at the Crimson Prince's side. It made Sinbad more drawn and curious about her. This time, he was sure that he wanted her to be on his side.

"There is only one thing to do, Alibaba. You have to leave this country." Sinbad proposed. Alibaba looked at him as if he had grown two heads before staring at Azami. She had a remorseful look and said, "I'm sorry Alibaba but I will not be able to convince Kouen nor Koumei." He knew her connections with them but he was oblivious about what happened between her and the Kou Empire.

"What is your connection with Kou, Azami?" Sinbad asked. She looked a little embarrassed before saying that she accidentally fell on their land after conquering Amon's dungeon. His eyes widened and was surprised she was not executed for such audacity.

"You have the guts."

"Don't remind me but what will you do, Alibaba?"

"I... I don't want to abandon this country! I can't do that!" He yelled furiously. It was obvious due to the frustration on his face. No matter how much he denied it, Sinbad was right.

"I made a promise! I promised Cassim and everyone who died that I'd make this country a good place! I won't run anymore. If it came down to it, I'd rather fight!" He pointed his sword towards the Kou's ships. Sinbad did not agree though and knocked him out. He fell down which made Aladdin and Azami call out to him.


"Was that really necessary, Sinbad!?" She shouted. The king only looked at her before justifying himself. He said that it was the only way he will not struggle against him. She gritted her teeth in anger before looking away. Just then, she felt a hand on her skirt. It was a small one and when she looked at who it was, Setta was looking at her with a curious and sad look.

"Is there any problem, Azami-nee?"

She could not help but smile lightly at the child. Setta tightened his hold before Azami patted his head in reassurance.

"We have to vacate this place, Setta. The Kou Empire is coming."

"Are they bad people?" Setta looked at her and she said no but they were currently not in good terms with them. He seemed to understand before reaching up to her. She carried him before walking behind the magi and the Fanalis. The king ordered them to flee the country and so they did. Soon, they rode the ship towards Sindria. Morgiana was confused as to why before Ja'far explained to her everything. It frustrated her just how useless she was to them but Azami and Alibaba felt more devastated. Setta went towards Aladdin's cabin as Azami ordered him to before sliding down Alibaba's door.

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