Scroll 8: Dark Djinn and Dunya's Curse

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"Woah! This is another cool dungeon don't you think, Azami-nee!?" Setta shouted as he looked at the dungeon in fascination. Azami smiled at the boy's antics before a stinging presence touched her arm. She looked down to see her metal vessels glowing.

"Is there any problem Sitri, Furcas, Stolas?"

They just glowed brighter than they were earlier as if saying that there was a horrible presence near the dungeon. She nodded in understanding before calling out Setta. They ventured inside the dungeon and saw Alibaba and Aladdin. Morgiana and a familiar black haired man was carrying her unconscious body. They were fighting with some dark djinn user. Azami was alarmed when she caught sight of the black rukh surrounding the figures in front of her. Setta pulled her sleeves which made her turn towards him. He was trembling when he caught sight of the figure with green hair and weird mask.

"I know, Setta. I'm here."

"He changed, Azami-nee. He's already fallen! I-I... It's my fault!" Tears streamed down his face which made Azami hug him tightly. "I am here. We will change this world." Setta nodded before he grabbed a wooden staff behind him.

"Let's go." She dashed downwards just in time to deflect an attack from the dark djinn user, Dunya. Aladdin was surprised to see her in front of them but he managed to give her a smile. She nodded before shouting at the confused blonde to concentrate.

"Look closely, Alibaba!"

"You need to snap out of it!" Aladdin said as he kept his borg. Setta floated down and strengthened Aladdin's borg. Alibaba nodded before he recognized the figure in front of him. It was Azami.

"A-Azami! What are you doing here?" She smiled at him before saying that they felt something ominous near them and saw the dungeon.

"I was in a dungeon myself and got into a little accident but I'm fine. Anyways, what happened to you? There's some black marking all over your hand?"

"I got cursed." Cursed? She thought carefully before looking at the green-haired man. She suspected that it had something to do with him. Setta glanced at the older female before creating another borg after Aladdin released shots of fireballs.

"Harl Harl Rasas!"
"You gotta be careful, Aladdin!" The blue haired magi nodded before Azami took out Stolas.

"Spirit of Virtue and Arts! Lend me your strength and cover thy body with your wisdom. Weapon equip, Stolas!" She chanted as weird markings and a staff appeared in her hand. Ithnan, the green haired man, glared at her and unexpectedly, at Setta. He recognized Setta's appearance but he forced himself to believe that he was just nothing but a lookalike. The pink haired conqueror smiled sadly at her djinn before stepping in the battlefield with a fierce expression.

"Alibaba, we have to team up with this. Are you ready?" The blonde prince looked at her surprised but nodded nonetheless. They both rushed towards the dark-djinn and attacked it. Scratches were made on its armor but it was futile.

"We're getting nowhere here! We need to have a distraction. I will do it, so it's up to you now, Alibaba!"

"Ah! Leave it to me!" She looked at Setta and the two jumped up to attack it. "Alnniran mmin Alsamma!" "Al'ard Almuqaddasa." Shots of flames and plants surrounded them and it was enough for the monster to get distracted. He attacked it from behind but was deflected by the swordsman, Isaac.

"Alibaba!" They had a difficult time defeating it. Aladdin helped Azami out by using his magoi. Setta turned towards Ithnan and frowned at him. The boy knew that he will have a difficult time returning him back to normal but he still wanted to do it. In order to do that, they had to defeat them first. Azami glared at the dark djinn before changing her equip to Sitri. She gripped her twin daggers tightly before attacking with Aladdin's magoi beside her.

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