Scroll 43: King of Man

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Unknown Island
Setta's POV

After I voiced my opinion to Aladdin about my dream yesterday, I decided to follow my sister's rukh. My staff resounded as I walked down the isolated island. There were orchid flowers and palm trees. A tropical one I suppose. Azami-nee's rukh led me here. Currently, I was following a small animal known as Hyuda, a squirrel like animal with long ears and small wings.

"Chip chip!" It chirped as it pointed at a treasure chest near a palm tree. It was red with yellow linings and intricate design. I pried it on but it was sealed tight. The Hyuda even helped me but it was no use. I decided to open it using my staff.

"Tafd!" A blinding light surrounded the chest and it opened slowly. Inside was a compass and a rukh.

"Setta? I know you are the only one who'll find this. Unless you told Yunan that is. Anyways, my rukh will not be able to guide you but this compass will. I encoded something to it and that's a secret~" Azami-nee joked. It made me chuckle until she continued her message. "This will not guide you to the Sacred Palace but the Sacred Realm I created not long ago. The next three will but you will need Aladdin's help. I want you to use my power to remove my rukh from the Great Flow. I'm sorry for burdening you but I'll be living my life in your care. If Lucien changed, I apologize. You'll know things in time. Sinbad will reveal everything. Hopefully. See ya!"

Her rukh disappeared and the compass in my neck glowed as it pointed to another direction.

"This gotta be fun and challenging. Let's do this."

Kou Empire
Aladdin's Place
Aladdin and Alibaba

"Morgiana left me... Morgiana left me..." Alibaba cried in the corner as Aladdin looked at him indifferently. The blue haired magi took a sit next to him and listen to whine. He sighed and calmed down the blonde conqueror before asking what exactly happened.

"It was out of nowhere!" He relayed to him what exactly happened that night. It started off with Alibaba talking about how insecure Kogyouku was when she left the International Alliance. Morgiana, on the other hand, countered his opinion that she should have never left the alliance since once she does, then the others will leave as well and will result to another war. Alibaba defended his side until Morgiana yelled that he was not being himself. He was mildly surprised with her outburst. That caused a conflict between the two.

"So that's it? Alibaba, working on solving differences in ideals and opinions is something that couples do." He said.

"What do you know about couples?" That earned a small irk mark from the blue haired magi.

"You love her right?" Alibaba nodded. Aladdin encouraged him to just apologize but Alibaba's pride got in the way.

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"That's not helping our case at all!!" Just then, the door opened widely only for them to see the female Fanalis. The couple stared at each other before apologizing.

"How annoying." Hakuryuu commented.

"Hakuryuu! You bastard!!"

But while this was a simple quarrel, things will turn out different soon. Tables will turn and favors will not give itself a chance. Two days later, an actual disaster happened.

Kou Empire
Imperial Palace

"Today, I bring important news to you all." Kogyouku stood proudly on her feet before announcing that hey will be returning to the International Alliance. That caused confusion to Alibaba and Aladdin. They raised their eyebrows until Koumei explained to them everything.

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