You're joking? My little twenty-one year old brother got accepted into the Chicago Cubs for the MLB? Mom and dad are going to be mad, they despised the Cubs, now their little son will be playing for them.
"What is it, Elaina?" Ben asks.
"Eli, he's joining the Cubs," I say. "My parents are going to kill him."
"Well it's great that he's joining but it's not so great he's going to die," some guy says.
"It was sarcasm Anthony," Ben rolls his eyes.
"Duh," the guy named Anthony says. "Where does he even play?"
"Catcher," I reply, hoping mom and dad hadn't found out yet.
"Well we need one of those since Miguel's about to retire and all we'll have is Willson," someone says, Im about forty percent sure that's Addison Russel but I don't know, I'm still learning names.
"Anyways, tell us about Eli," Anthony says.
"Well, he's really smart, I think. He's really nice once you get to know him, his real name is Elijah, he'll want to be number sixteen, and he hates when you call him blondie, I guess that's all," I say, I wasn't good at explaining.
The team was surrounding me asking me about Eli, randomly I hear a question. "Is he a player?"
"What kind of question is that, Kyle?" Ben asks a guy.
"He has a girlfriend named Courtney," I say, I wasn't too fond of Courtney, she was a snobby bitch who only cared about herself.
"Im guessing you don't like her?" Kris asks.
"Hell no, she's only using him, now even more since he's going to be in the MLB.
Courtney Jamieson was her name, I hated her guts. She had 'pretty' blue eyes, and her blonde hair looked like the sand color when it gets damp from water, my least favorite thing about her is she jokes about suicide, she'll say 'oh no my phone died, I'm going to go commits suicide now.'
"That girl could become your sister-in-law," Kris reminds me.
"And im not going to let that happen," I say.After Kruse's party, I went over to my parents and Eli's house to see a very disappointed look on my mom and dad's faces.
"Your brother has decided to go to the Cubs," my mom crosses her arms firmly over her chest.
"It's his decision," I mumble.
"Elaina Lynne he should know better that to go to, them?" My dad says, I walk up to him.
"It is Elijah's decision, not your goddamn decision so let him be," I say. "Come on Eli, would you like to go meet your teammates?"
"Yeah!" He happily says, following me to my car.
We drive to the clubhouse, they had practice today. "Hey, Eli!"
"Hey, Ben," Eli smiled, he was always so bright and happy, but whenever he played he was so focused. "I want to meet the team."
"Alright," Ben says. "Guys get out here!"
One-by-one, all of the players came out. "This is Eli, he will be one of our new catchers, and he's also my cousin and Elaina's brother."
"Im Willson, the other catcher," Willson says, I can learn names this way.
"Im Jon, a pitcher," Jon says, all the pitchers go through.
"Anthony, your first baseman," Anthony says.
"Javier, or Javy it doesn't matter, and in at second," Javier says.
"Addison, your shortstop," Addison says.
"Kris, im at third base," Kris says.
Everyone goes through, I learned all the main players names and the relief pitchers and other players names too, there's a lot of people.
"Well, I'm Elijah, or Eli, I would like to be sixteen, im a catcher, im only twenty-one, and as Ben said, I'm his cousin," Eli says.
"I have a question," Anthony says with a half serious face and a half idiotic face. "Why does she have brown hair and yours is blonde?"
"Our moms hair is blonde and our dads a brunette," I say for him.
"The problem is, Elaina and I grew up White Sox fans, including our three other siblings, our oldest sibling, Ellie, our second oldest Emma, including her twin sister Eleanor, and our parents are mad at me," Eli says.
Kris walks up to him. "First of all, there's a lot of E's what's your parents names? And second of all it's fine, since the Cubs always lost I didn't really want to be apart of this team, but now, we've won a World Series and clinched the division, people were telling me to trade but look at me, I'm still here."
"All of our names start with E because of Exodus from The Five Books of Moses, and thanks for the advice," Eli smiles.
"Anyways, we need to get to practice, Eli you're welcome to watch," Willson says, Eli nods and walks with them, once again, Kris stays.
"Yes, Kristopher?" I smirk as he walks toward me.
"Well you see, Laina, I'm glad your brother is joining the team, I'll get to see you even more," Kris says, my face starts to heat up. What the heck?
"Im not falling for your player ways, Bryant," I spit at him.
"Who says I'm a player?" Kris smirks.
"Myself," I say.
"One opinion doesn't make me a player," Kris says.
"You're still an asshole no matter how nice you are," I mutter, he walks away afterwards.It's 1:12 and I have school tomorrow but I rarely ever sleep so it's okay. AND ITS FRIDAY THANK YOU. But, since I play softball, I have to be at the field at 7:30 am tomorrow:(

Different View✔️
Fanfiction"You're an asshole," I say, looking at him right in his blue eyes. "You should stop talking about yourself," he replies, a smirk plastered across his face. ~ Elaina Montclair grew up her whole life, now at the age of twenty-five, as a Chicago Whit...