It was now seventh hour, I was still was happy that Kris asked me out, nothing could bring me down. "Hey, I'm Miss. Montclair, I'm your drama teacher, I will answer questions then if you raise your hand I'll answer you."
Angelica raises her hand and I point at her. "Are you Elijah Montclair's sister?"
"Yes I am, we actually have three other siblings," I reply, rolling around in my chair. "Yes, Natalie?"
"What's your siblings names?" Natalie asks.
"There's the oldest, Ellie, then the twins Eleanor and Emma, then me, then Eli," I answer. "Yes, Clayton?" Im scared to answer his question.
"Is there anything going on between you and a Cubs player?" Clayton smirks, I have to lie.
"No," I answer. "Yes, Piper."
"What's your favorite book?" Piper asks.
"A book called Eight Keys," I answer.
I answer more questions then answer questions about them. "Now, today was just a free day, tomorrow you guys will get to know each other."
"Goodbye, Miss. Montclair," Angelica smiles.
"Bye, Angelica," I tell her. Now my eighth hour.It's now sixty fifty-eight, my date was getting nearer and nearer. He said to dress comfy, we were going to movie, I chose 'The Edge of Seventeen.'
I wore a red sweater, jeans, and converse, my hair was in a high ponytail.
There's a knock on my door, I answer, having to look up at him, I should've wore heels. "Hey."
"Hey, we should go if we do want to kiss the movie," he smiles and I nod.
We get in his car, driving to the cinema, we stand in line for tickets the popcorn then go to the correct room, sitting in a row.
After many trailers, the movie starts. At least there didn't have to be awkward silence since it was a movie. I take a bite of my popcorn and get a drink of my water since the popcorn was super salty."I had a good time, Kris," I smile.
"Me too, Laina," he says. "I'll see you at my game?"
"Totally," I say. Once again, we just stand there, looking at each other. He leans down and kisses me softly and gently. The feeling is sensational, if I could, I would never stop.
He pulls away. "Bye, Laina."
"Bye," I say. Four times, four times we've kissed, three of them sober.After school, I immediately go to my house to get ready. I put on a blue shirt, jeans, and white converse. I leave my hair straight and then go to the clubhouse, waiting for them to come out. "Good luck."
"You know, Elaina, you're like a good luck charm, when you're here and tell each and every one of us good luck, we win," Dexter says.
"Yeah, I guess," I shrug.
Kris is last, as always. "Good luck."
"Thanks, Laina," he tells me.
"You're welcome, Kristopher," I smirk and he rolls his eyes.
"I had a really great time last night, it was better than any date with Danielle when she would talk non stop," Kris says. I look down and blush.
"I did too, Kris," I say. "Now, you should go before Anthony finds out." He rolls his eyes and walks away.
"Oh I already did!" Anthony yells, oh no.
"Ant, please don't tell anyone," Kris says.
"Okay, just this once," Anthony smiles, walking away.
"He's my best friend, he won't tell anyone," Kris whispers before walking away.The game was a bit shaky, a few errors and lots of strike outs. Now the thirteenth inning, the Phillies up to bat, I was getting restless watching this. "C'mon guys."
Bottom of the thirteenth, two outs with Eli up to bat, I could see him shaking. "You can do this, Eli."
He swings the bat, the ball is a homer run! Eli's first home run in the major leagues. The team comes out and jumps up with him. I smile and fans cheer, holding up their W flags.
"I'm so proud of you!" I hug him, he hugs me back.
"I can't believe that was my first ever home run!" He smiles, jumping up and down. I was exhausted, I felt like I could sleep the whole day, I may have to call in from work.
"Hi, Tiffany. It's Elaina Montclair, I will not be at school tomorrow and my substitute, Breanna Israel will be there," I tell Tiffany Bradley, the head principal.
"Okay, thank you for letting me know," she says. I hang up and go home, I don't feel like changing, I just go straight to bed.
The next morning, I just lie in bed, not wanting to leave. I was so tired, I could lay on bed for the rest of my life. "Hold on, Oliver."
Oliver whines, I sigh. I get out of bed and give him new food and water. I get a text on my phone.
Please, please, please take me back.Hey guys! Thank you lots for voting and adding this story to your reading lists! I also find it really stupid that people ask me at school why I spell my name 'Abbi' when my real name is spelt 'Abbigail'. The same with my sisters Allie and Lillie. Their real names are Allieson and Lilliean. Yeah, our names are spelt super weird.

Different View✔️
Fanfic"You're an asshole," I say, looking at him right in his blue eyes. "You should stop talking about yourself," he replies, a smirk plastered across his face. ~ Elaina Montclair grew up her whole life, now at the age of twenty-five, as a Chicago Whit...