My hands shook as I read her note, she left me, and I have no idea where she went. I actually loved someone and she left me, I fold the note back up and lean my head back, I hear a soft whimper, behind me is her dog, Oliver. She left her dog. I put the dogs leash on, bringing him to my car and getting his food and water bowls, placing them in my car too. I slide the note in my pocket and drive to my house, listening only to the jingle of Oliver's collar.
I bring him inside my house and feed him food and give him water, my cat Wrigley hiding behind the couch. "It's okay Wrigley." I pick up the small cat and place her on her cat post.
I shakily hit the call button on Elaina's contact, hearing it wring a few times before she picks up. "Hello?"
"Elaina," I say quietly, I hear her breath shudder at my voice.
"Kris," she says, I know she has a lump in her throat. "I'm sorry I cheated."
"You didn't cheat, we were never together, and I'm not mad about that," I say. "I'm mad because you left, I loved you Elaina." I will never get to see her, her brunette hair that cascades down her back, her vibrant blue eyes, her smirk.
"Kris, I didn't want you to be mad at me," she says.
"Damnit, Elaina! I wouldn't be mad! We weren't even together! It makes me so mad that you left though! You left your brother, your sisters, your parents, your best friends, Eli fell to the ground crying once I told him!" I yell through the phone.
"Kris, I had to! I know I hurt everyone! But I had to, Kris!" She yells backs at me.
"No you didn't! What made you leave? Because you cheated? Because you thought I would be mad?" I ask.
"Yes," she breathes out through the phone.
"You could've just told me! I wouldn't of been mad!" I yell. There's silence between us. "Elaina, I should go." I hang up the phone, putting my hands over my face. How could she think I would be mad at her for that? She knew we weren't together, I had came over to ask her out though, and I find a goodbye note instead.
"What am I going to do?" I mumble to myself.
"I would get her back if it were me," someone says, making me jump.
"How the hell did you get in here Anthony?" I ask him. "You heard everything, didn't you?"
"Your door was open and yes, I heard everything," he explains.
"Well, I don't even know where she is," I say.
"She couldn't go too far, she left in her car, right?" Anthony asks and I nod. "She couldn't even get out of the county."
"Airplane," I say.
"Who the hell leaves their perfectly fine car at an airport forever?" Anthony asks.
I shrug. "I went over to ask her out and instead I found a note, she said goodbye."
"Well, just think about it, she'll come back soon," Anthony says, getting up and leaving.Today's our game, Eli's still devastated. Every single time someone calls Elaina, she declines the call. Every text she reads it but doesn't respond, I might as well try to call her one more time. I press the call button and it rings over and over, no answer.
Hey! You've reached my voicemail. I'll try to call you back later! Sorry if it's important!
Go White Sox!I sigh, waiting for it to beep to give her voicemail. "Hey Laina, its Kris. I miss you so much, so does the team. Please just answer a call, I still wonder where you are so please just answer one call. I want to hear you voice again, instead of just your voice mail. Please just pick up the phone."
"Any luck?" Eli asks and i shake my head in defeat. "Where could she of gone?"
"Well, she's lived in Chicago for her childhood and high school years, right?" I ask, he nods his head. "Well, has she ever wanted to live somewhere really badly?" He shakes his head. "Where did she go to college?"
"Arizona," he answers simply. It seems like a lightbulb goes off in my mind.
"She has to be there!" I say excitedly. We don't play there until next season, sadly. "We can see her next season."
"So I can see my sister next year?" Eli asks. I nod, that's a long time away. I hope she'll be there.Hey guys! This chapter was just Kris' point of view on everything! Next chapter will be Elaina's again and a time skip of four years, sorry.

Different View✔️
Fanfiction"You're an asshole," I say, looking at him right in his blue eyes. "You should stop talking about yourself," he replies, a smirk plastered across his face. ~ Elaina Montclair grew up her whole life, now at the age of twenty-five, as a Chicago Whit...