Waking up, the sun shined on eyes making me close them again. It's crazy how two people can mean so much to you. Andrew and Kris have an amazing personality.
Holland and Laura were probably mad at me for not showing up two days ago. Now today they play the Detroit Tigers and of course, they're not showing up today. Today is also Eli's birthday and they would be partying like crazy.
I got ready even though I would still have four hours before having to leave. I pet Oliver's ears then walk out, I could go shopping I guess, I also really needed a job, I wanted to be a teacher and had a degree but never got to it. I really wanted to be a Drama teacher, I loved all the acting that happened.
I knew there was a middle school down the street from Wrigley Field, maybe I could work there. It was called Monroe Heights Middle School.
I go into random stores, buying things for myself and Christmas, even though it's not even Halloween, this was going to be a crazy game since this game decided if they go to the NLCS.
The game starts, the pitcher is Jake Arrieta, I hear he's pretty good.The games not going very well, it's the bottom of the ninth and it's seven to two.
Eli was on third cheering on the batter, Jason Heyward. Jason hits a line drive straight to the Tigers third baseman, they weren't advancing.
I could see how sad Eli was, he looked as if he was about to cry, it was his birthday.
They walked to the locker room, heir heads down and shoulders slumped, it was heart breaking. Eli had joined just a few days before the Wildcard and they won that but not the NLDS.
I waited for them to all come out, first out was Kyle Hendricks. "I guess we got too excited."
Soon all of them come out, Eli was last, he was so sad. "We should go celebrate Eli's birthday, to take things off of our mind."
They all agreed and Eli kept his head down. "Can I ride with you?"
"Sure," I tell Eli. He gets in the passengers seat and slouches down in his chair.
"Today hasn't been going good. I slept through my alarm, we just lost the NLDS, and Courtney hasn't even told me happy birthday," he says, buckling his seatbelt.
We go to Celebration Station, Eli had always loved that place. We get our coins and I follow Eli around, he played the games, sighing every time. "Please cheer up."
"I'm trying," he says, slouching down.After a little bit of celebrating, I drop Eli off at his house and he walks in sadly, closing the door behind him. I go inside my own house and slouch down on the couch,mi can't believe they didn't advance.
I decide to go to bed early, it was really upsetting today. I get ready for bed and get underneath my warm blankets, snuggling up next to Oliver. "Goodnight, Ollie."The next morning I did a job application for teaching, if they liked my application they would do an interview. I wouldn't be able to see Kris a whole lot, it was only offseason training, I guess I could go to some of that. But Andrew would be everywhere, I liked Kris so much more but Andrew kept a special place in my heart.
I check my phone for any messages and that and see one.
hey e. the guys and I are all going to go out and there bringing their wives and girlfriends, maybe you could come? if so meet us at wrigley at one
sure I'll come
I make myself some breakfast then an outfit. I chose a baby pink color oversized sweater, tight light skinny jeans, and some wedge type black boots. I apply light makeup, only covering up blemishes and putting on concealer, I straighten my hair and am out the door at twelve thirty.
I drive to Wrigley and park my car meeting up with everybody. Everyone says hi and then once Justin and his wife show up we leave. We walk around, looking at the scenery, I hadn't talked much and neither had Kris.
"You're quite quiet, Elaina," Ben points out and I shrug my shoulders.
We go into a mall and the guys go to sports places and the girls go to beauty type places. We go into Bath and Body Works, now would be a good time to get some Christmas things, it's past Halloween.
After shopping, we all meet back up and my phone buzzes.
Hey elaina, how's it down in Chicago?
good, how's New York?
Okay. Maybe when I get back we can have a date?
of course! what time?
Meet me at my house at around six.I smile then put up my phone, I'm about to go on another date with Andrew. But what about Kris? Get your mind together, Elaina! It's Kris or Andrew. I think, I do need to choose.
We go back to Wrigley and I get in my car and drive home, jumping on my bed thinking.
Do I like Kris or Andrew more?I'm such a procrastinator. I said i would update forever, i finally did, yay.

Different View✔️
Fanfiction"You're an asshole," I say, looking at him right in his blue eyes. "You should stop talking about yourself," he replies, a smirk plastered across his face. ~ Elaina Montclair grew up her whole life, now at the age of twenty-five, as a Chicago Whit...