I pull away breathlessly. "What the hell?" I look at him. "I thought you hated me."
"Laina, it's impossible to hate someone as quirky as you are," he explains, looking down. How does he do this to me? He has those greenish-blue eyes, dark brown hair, nice, an amazing athlete. Stop, Elaina!
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he smirks. I roll my eyes and shove him slightly.
"Shouldn't you get out there and play?" I ask.
"They're putting La Stella there today, let him play a little so I have some downtime," he says.
"Really? They never put him there anymore," I say.
"Yeah. How's Carson?" He asks.
"Okay, she keeps on asking about her dad though," I sigh. I didn't know what to tell her about her dad.
I watch the game and Carson sits on my lap, clapping at good plays everyone makes. "Where's Kris?"
"He's not playing today," I tell Laura, who was currently holding Jacob.
We watch the game, we won four to three against the Mets, it was a nail biter game.
I decide to tell them all goodbye and I needed to talk to Kris and Eli.
"Eli, could you come to my place tomorrow, so we can catch up?" I ask.
"Yeah totally, send me your address," he says, walking to the locker room to change. I send him my address quickly when Kris walks up to me. He waves to Carson and she smiles.
"That game was boring for me," he says, sighing. We talk for a while before we have to leave.
"I need ask you a quetion!" Carson exclaims at him, she still fully couldn't say words. He looks at her. "Will you be my new daddy?"
I cover my face with my hands, feeling embarrassed, my daughter just asked Kris Bryant to be her father.
He laughs a bit. "Maybe one day, things can happen Carson."
We drive home in silence and I put her in pajamas before placing her in my bed. "Carson, I don't want you to ask anyone that again, okay?"
"Got it!" She smiles at me. I tuck her in and wipe off my makeup and out on my own pajamas, climbing in bed next to her. I still can't believe she said that to him, and I can't believe what he told her. My life is so confusing.
It three in the morning and I still can't sleep. Do I love him? Maybe. I just don't want to hurt anybody again. "Momma."
"Yes, Carson?" I ask turning to her.
"What it called when I get funny feeling in my tummy?" She asks.
"Well, it's called a crush," I say. "It's when you like someone more then a friend."
"Can I tell you secret?" She asks, I nod. She comes to my ear and whispers. "I have crush on Jacob."
Her first crush is on my best friends son. "Well, we can talk about this more tomorrow Carson, you need to go sleepy."
She lays back down and falls asleep right away. How could she fall asleep that easily?
I only got about four hours asleep, she's still sleeping somehow. I decide to make her favorite breakfast, pancakes. I make them and add a bit of syrup and she runs in the kitchen and sits down.
"When Cubs game?" She asks.
"At four," I respond. I finish eating my pancake and put it in the sink and wash it off.
She finishes hers then goes to the sink to wipe off her mouth.
I pick out a shirt that was bright green that said 'Rock' and then a star, she loved the shirt to death. She put on her own jeans and put on her white converse, attempting to tie them. I tie them for her, standing up and putting on a blue tee shirt, jeans, and Nike tennis shoes, I wasn't feeling the converse wear today.
We arrive there and take Holland once again takes her, maybe Eli's coming over after the game.
I tell them all good luck, Kris being last again. "Why are you always last?"
"So I can talk to you," he replies.
"I still feel bad I ran away," I say.
"Elaina," he says. "I still love you."
No, no, no. The last time this happened I left for four years and had a kid. "But-"
"Elaina, if you say you still don't love me, I know you're lying, I can read you like a book," he says. He's right. "And I'm doing something I should've done four years almost five years ago."
"What?" I ask, what did he never do?
"Elaina," he says, pausing a moment. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I smile at him brightly. "Yes."Hey guys! There's like two more chapters left of this, maybe three. I'm going to write an epilogue afterwards because I really don't want to write a sequel, I don't want to redo drama and stuff. But anyways! This chapter was about short but whatever. Also, I haven't edited any of these chapters and plan not to since I like how the story is going. And I start softball tomorrow, so my schedule will be busy so I'll try to upload.

Different View✔️
Fanfiction"You're an asshole," I say, looking at him right in his blue eyes. "You should stop talking about yourself," he replies, a smirk plastered across his face. ~ Elaina Montclair grew up her whole life, now at the age of twenty-five, as a Chicago Whit...