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Please comment with your feed back, and tell me is I should bother to continue writting. :)


I grab the keys of the hook in the foyer by my door. I hear nothing, my mum sits pleasantly ignoring me in the other room reading.The Tv in my basement is blasting, and I hear the clock in the kitchen. The ticking drives me insane. I steal the keys and make my escape, I have to be quick if I want to make it to Alora's place for the party. She told me a total of eight times probably that I had to pick up snacks.


After throwing the snacks in the back of my mum's little Honda, I drove to the party. It was fall, early evening and the sky was bright for a dinner time-ish feel.

I drove fast with the window blasting the crisp fresh air in my face. I've been stuck behind a huge transport truck for what has seemed to be ages. I honk my horn impatiently, I'm done with this bull crap. I spin my wheel to the left and try to pass him, the idoit slams on his breaks. As do I, his trailer hinges screech and bend, the trailer blocks the road as it bends and crosses the highway. I slam on my brakes again, the truck's trailer screeches and causes accidents thanks to the road block. The trailer swings around inches from my bumper and blocks the other lane. I pass the truck weaving through traffic, and to think it felt not to long ago like a typical friday night?

It wasn't over yet.

I drove fast down the highway just pleading to reach side road 13 before the truck crashes. And I almost do, until I glance behind me, for the truck and get side swiped by some dick who's trying to get home the fastest. I scream, adrenline filling my veins. My side mirror is just totalled now, imecile. I floor it, almost at the turn off.....

Smash! I hear the other cars to my right, piling up. Screams and horns and metal screeching. My ears are going to explode if my heart doesn't first... The pure adreneline right now.

I swerve hitting tthe rail of the highway's edge, I scream again. And the truck and I meet again. It throws my me off the road down a rocky terrian and onto the stupid freaking side road. My car flips over rolling down the many boulders, and finally the roof smashes hitting solid ground.

The air bags deploy, I can hear myself breath so heavily. I panic, fumbling around with the car and the air bag. My head is bloody, and my nose. I'm more concerned about a up-coming concussion. Before I can worry, I fade out. Dizziness overtakes me, I smell blood and pine trees in the forest. I black out, upside down in my car in the middle of no where.


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