chapter nine-since you've been gone-

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i am sorry i havent updated in a while, but ..............yea theres no excuse. i just havent gotten around to it. added a cast on alot of chapters! i personally like Jasmyne's botfriend/ex boyfriend. and the new guy in the story. hard to decide! i also posted a song to make the feeling of this chapter more intense i posted :  scary monsters and nice spirites by skrillex.


I wake up, early for once. the small hotel suits my needs. I squint at the sunlight that creeps through the opened curtain. I think yesterday was a little odd. i met a guy-in a cafe, and spent all day with  him. i dont even know his name. he doesnt know mine on the other hand.....

I stand up and yawn, my body stretches easily and i have no morning aches. i feel strong, but my strength is degrading slowly. i cant even remember when exactly i fed last, i mean i killed my mother but was that the last time? i dont think i fed since. i shudder, and my throat burns slightly. i went to a cafe yesterday to eat breakfast, i dont even eat human food! i eat humans! what was i thinking.

I get dressed into a pair of skinny blue jeans, and a turqouise blue v-neck. my t-shirt is fitted like my jeans. I slide on my black converse that i packed. then fully decide to finish with a pure white abacrombie hoody. my family never flaunted our wealth, because well-we're not  rich. we just had a bigger varriaty in boutiques and apparel stores then most could afford. god i sound like a brat.

ignoring that i walked out the door, skippping stairs as i went. the old lady greeted me with a welcoming smile as she swept the floor carefully.

"cafe again?" her voice saddened. it was weird, she gave me a sad smile.

"no.....actually, im going for a walk.......?" i raised my eyebrow. she was acting odd.

she nodded and i left unsure of myself.


I walked down the side walk as the warm sun heated up my barely tangled hair. my hair just lay over my back, i had quickly brushed it but didnt bother styling it. this town was definatly growing on me. the small talk between all of the strangers outside the little town houses, and shops-what a warm feeling. a port drew my attention, it was on the side of the road i had been walking on for a while. i crossed the street and went over to it. the sweet smell of the body of water, made me grin. i used to love swimming when i was kid. always at auntie Jannette's lake.

fighting the urge to dive in, i settle sitting on the port with my feet in the water. my converse neatly beside me. i just sat and stared at the morning sky. thats when it happened.

i felt a familar shudder run up my spin, and that smell.....of dead roses and fear. and pain. i know you cant smell fear and pain, but it came to my senses as i smelled the familar scent.

i whipped around my hair flying in the morning breeze. my breathe caught in my throat. i saw him. not the guy from yesterday, but i saw my murderer.

i stood still, imagining myself frozen unseen. he turned revealing his face to stare at mine. a errie smile crept upon his face. i knew this guy. i mean, i reconise him. my eyes widened as i stood up, and put my converse on without any hesitation. my wet feet felt gross inside my converse shoes.

i ran after him, but why was he running? he should be chasig me! he tried to kill me!! that ass hole! i will kill him!

he ran fast avoiding peope, i ran following him. i just kept running.not thinking. i ran right into the forest. shit! where did he go!

i felt so exposed, and my anger fled. damn hightened emoitions.

i stand still using my sense the best i could. i listened and heard breathing. i spun around and heard a loud booming laugh behind me. i whipped around fast. nothing. damn he was good.

i froze. and listened once more. a snap of a branch brought me lunging forward. i hit a strong build hard as rock. and winced. i have him now. i tackled him to the ground. ready to kill him.


next part is good. :D thanks for reading. And the story picks up soon dont worry.

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