Chapter eleven - why, oh why-

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hey im really glad there is always someone reading my chapters. :D its a nice thought. i might not update in a while. and please ignore the spelling and or the grammer mistakes...... ahahah


As we approach a fairly big house, i decide more and more of what an idiot i am. I sit calmy beside Mike, in the front seat of his car, approaching the aplha's house. i should have left the day i met Liam at the diner. i should have left after he brought me in the woods, i should have- Mike's voice snaps me out of my own thoughts.

"He's pretty considerate, his names Ryan by the way." his eyes are focused on the house we're approaching.

"o-ok...." i stutter, i hate to admit these things....but i am damn nervous.

"Don't be nervous, he's not the only 'eye candy' in this place. if you know what i mean." he winks, refering to my previous comment. ugh, so he's attractive? Is that supposed to help with my nerves?!

"i'm not nervous! Just-shut up." I look away. i feel hopeless, a newborn vampire trying to escape her past ending up pack territory. Great, just what i needed. i fight the urge to roll my eyes at Mike.

"Alirght. I'll introduce you, then he decides wether you stay." the seriousness to his voice caused the instant shiver i recieved. Did i want to stay? Not really, the only clear thought in my head is my worrysome brother. I have to call him.

Mike clears his throat and I get out of the car. The nervous smile on his face causes worry to run through my head. I brush my bangs out of my eyes. with one firm knock on the door the alpha answers right away. he doesnt speak just stares at Mike. in almost anger. but once Mike speaks i ease the tension of my muscles.

"Ryan," he clears his shaky voice, "Jasmyne, as you know is a rogue vampire. Just passing through. But has become accustom to this place, and was wondering-"

Ryan is tall, but not scrony. his build is intimadating really, and muscular. i could understand why girls would find him attractive. his eyes ran over my whole body, and i froze uneasy. i felt-self concious. what the hell? why? he's just some stupid alpha, of some stupid wolf pack. why does it even-

a deep voice cut my thoughts short. i stared at him as he spoke. istood frozen.

"Why are you here?" his eyes flashed between meand Mike.

"I should go-" Mike spun and almost ran to his car.

"I-I er-" i stuttered bad. i thoughtbecoming a vampire hightened good things, not bad habits.

"Come in," he left the door wide open as i followed him into his giant house.

He lead me to the main room, it had a small collection of chairs-a coach and a TV.

"sit." i did what he said. the lump in my throat only grew when he expected me to explain.

"So, why do you want to stay?" he relaxed a little but his eyebrows were still furrowed.

I cleared my throat, and swallowed hard. "I have no where else." i let out a breath,

he stared at me. i only looked up with watery eyes. i cant cry, but the sentence is only utterly true. I deserted my only family. and for what? my own safety. i am selfish.

"You can stay." he breaks the silence. i blink, and swallow harshly. my voice even harsher.

"Thank you. Its not forever." I stare at my hands. placed on my lap, i hold them steady from them shaking. he simply nods. and then his eyes meet mine. i cant pull away. i stare deep into his eyes and he does the same. i relax a bit, but straighten my back. i clutch the coach to steady myself as i stand.

"I'll be leaving now."

"You should stay." he simply replies. and his eyes sadden. what was he-, i just met him.

"I live in the small hotel just a little ways away...." my voice trails off.

he nods and walks towards me. i like an idiot freeze again. his face just inches from mine, my breath catches in my throat. i cant help but look down at his lips. he simply says;

"Let me drive you home." and i close my eyes and nod, i open them and hes gone, walking out the door. i follow numb to my emotions.

what was i thinking?! I met 3 guys while here and im not even single-or am i? I have to call my brother tonight. he can clear things up with me and dean. Mike, who seems to just enjoy flirting, Liam who was interested, and now freaking Ryan who i cant think straight around!! i charish the moment i hear my brothers voice. i need to talk to him. as soon as i'm home.


if you want a change up please go check out my new story - Abandoned and left for dead.

a creepy eery story of a girl who can talk to dead people! lol i just uploaded it. XD check it out! or not...i would like it if you did ahahaha.

-xmelindamonroe <3

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