Chapter twelve-Heartless-

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so, this is when she calls her brother....just bare with me? lol and sorry i havent wrote anything in a long time, i also changed the name...i felt it suited the story better...i wrote a description, and changed the cover :D so many new things!!! ahaha and a new story, the name and all is in the previous chapter :p


I sit on my bed mindless. My thoughts are cluttered. My heart heavy, and my cheeks wet from fresh tears. I feel my chest constrict in guilt, I left everything. I have nothing. The words feel like a twisting dagger in the pit of my stomach. A flood of tears easily flow down my cold cheeks. My life was falling apart; I wouldn’t be surprised if no one was looking for me. No wonder my brother didn’t call the police. My eyes winced in pain as I blinked for the first time in what seemed like hours. The tears dry on my face. Blood on my face, my new tears. Human tears are just water, but no vampire tears have to be blood. How attractive is that?

I feel like I can’t breathe, I can’t think or move. I just sit on the edge of my bed, my knees to my constricting chest. I smile in sadness, why did I call my brother, to find out once again how useless my life was? To understand why my life was so useless?! I feel like someone is repetitively bashing into my chest with a thousand pounds. My friends back home are nothing. Worthless. Those words are new to me, me using them-I am used to the hurt, but using those words against my friends is new. I feel the flare of my nostrils as my eyes rim the tears.

I stand up, legs shaky, heart ache, heavy thoughts. If my friends wanted to ignore me, my boyfriend wanted to move on so fast, my brother wanted to pretend nothing ever happened. Then so would I, I would move on, pretend nothing ever happened, ignore them.

Matt's POV (Jasmyne's brother's point of view-the reason she's depressed)

My house feels empty. Deserted, my sister left. No, she left me. I think of her soft calming voice, my heart aches just thinking of her scared and alone out there. My breathing becomes shallow, and rough. I feel a huge lump in my throat and a swelling in my eyes. I can’t swallow the lump; I’ve been dead for weeks. I haven’t spoken to anyone for weeks, I haven’t finished any homework. Just school, straight home crawl into bed and lye there tears threating.

This was how I spent my life without my loving sister. I miss her, pain crosses my face when I think of her hurt somewhere alone in a forest far from here. I have thought of 199 different scenarios that could happen to her if I didn’t help. I decided almost all of them were plausible. And I grew more depressed thinking that way. I didn’t eat, or drink. I tried to sleep but worry overwhelmed my body.

Today was different, I skipped school. The phone rang several times, I had assumed it was the school wondering where there straight A student was. I didn’t care anymore. I shivered when I heard a creak outside my door in the hallway. My eyes watered when I remembered I was alone. Utterly alone.

My phone vibrated, once, twice, I reached for it.

An unknown number appeared. I shuddered at the thought of it being Jasmyne.

“hello.” A hoarse voice answered. I winced in disgust. It sounded so familiar, a tear escaped my eye.

“Hi” I whispered too quiet for anyone to possibly hear.

“Matt….I-.” the voice answered to my surprise, the way she said my name made me cringe in memory.

“Who is this, I don’t want to talk to you or anyone.” I spat quietly, to the voice. –Silence-

“I-I understand. I’ll never call you again. It’s fine,” I nodded, pain running through my body, deep.

“good.” I whispered assuming she wouldn’t hear.

“I love you, Matty.” I froze, only my sister called me that. What the fuck?! Who was messing with me like that! Not cool!

“Jasmyne?! Where are you? Come home~! I love you, and miss you!” the line was dead long before I found my voice.

I almost threw my phone at the wall knowing the person hung up. If it was Jasmyne, then I probably triggered her to runaway farther. And, now she probably thinks I hate her, or- JESUS! What the fuck was I thinking! I should have known it was her! I may have lost her forever know!

‘She finally calls and you tell her to get lost.’

Shut up. I didn’t know it was her.

‘You obviously did, you shuddered in memory or her voice. Next time trust your god damn memory!’

I never asked your opinion! Stupid voice in my head! I DON’T NEED YOU!     Or anybody to get my sister back!



sorry about the different was copy and pasted, i wrote it a while ago i just....ok no excuse. vote, fan comment? i would love it if you did!!! you dont have to though, ahaha. also check out dezziwezzi3415-i love her stories, if you havent read em!

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