Chapter Seven -head spin-

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First of all, sorry for not writting and leaving you on a cliffy! My internet crapped out for a lilll while... Think its all better now tho. Anyways.... About who's at the door!

P.s please ignore myy grammer and spelling mistakes! :p


I opened my bedroom door a crack, and smelt a womann behind the door. Not huma... I didn't reconise her scent. I don't know her. And it wasn't the cops! I happened only last night! I couldn't help but feel panicked. My brother calmly opened the door, drying his hands with a towel.

"Hello...?" His voice boomed so low, almost overly calm.

"Hi, I'm detective Abrams." She smiled. She was beautiful. Her long blonde hair pin straight, her green eyes enchanting. And her voice so smooth. It boosted a wave of calm over me. And I began down the stairs.

"Hi?" My brother was unsure now.

"I'm here, mostly for your sister." He raised an eyebrow , "her case." She said

"Of course! Come in." He finally smiled.

"I leaned againts the stair railing and. She just smiled warmly in my direction, causing me to return the smile back. I was pretty calmed down now.

"Please sit." My brother ventured into the kitchen, the gorgeous woman followed and so did I.

"So, you must be Jasmyne? And her brother...." She tried to seem friendly but forgot his name.

"Yea, her brother, Matt." He rolled his eyes.

"Hey, so what'd you find...?" I couldn't help get excited, maybe they have a lead on my murderer. Or whoever..

"We have some clues to discuss with you about the case." She pulled papers out of her purse.

"Ok." I said unsure, I already told them everything I remembered.

"Yes, here we are. We found footsteps... Mens size 16-shoe size. And we also found your cell phone, and some other things... Not really important." She sighed frustrated. Myy brother was practiallyy staring at her.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"What is important, other than the footprints we found truck treads. The tire treads. Stopping to where we found you -er car. You're car." She struggled to keep me calm.

"Yes, I do remember a truck blocked traffic on the highway. Before I found myself on the side road." I nodded now serious.

"And the footprints, they seemed to enter your car. And then go back to where we beileve he hadd his truck."

"Wait, someone did this to Jasmne?! And snuck up into her car? And then just left?" My brother was confused.

"Well, we're not entirely sure..."

I cut her off "then your here why?"

"-because we thought any information would help." She had a hint of anger laced in her serious look.

"Mm hmm. Well my sister already told the alaby all of the "info" she remembered." He raised his hands making fake quotation marks over the word info.

"So I shall show you out" I was serious.

"Well, whatever you need to do to help you remember. If you need more time I guess I can leave." She stood, and tucked in her chair and followed me back to the door.

She put her shoes on and her trench coat. I just stood watching her. She moved so effortlessly, it was weird. I shook my head when I noticed her casual confusion.

"Have you been experiencing any unsual with your body? Health? Anything?" She stared into my eyes.


"You can tell me, we would need to knoow." She held out her card.

I smirked,

"I'm not a cop. I lied, I'm not a detective either." She returned my smirk.

"Then why-?"

"Call that number if you have, or do experience ANY unsual feelings or health. I mean anything."

"Ok. You should know, that I lost a lot of weight a couple days ago. Until I killed my mother and drank her blood. I'm better now though. Thanks." I said, or is what I wished I had said. Don't worry I didn't say that to her, or even out loud!! She had already left.


She seemed to supicous- detective Abrams did. I needed to leave before anyone else caught onto her drift. Me having health differences after the attact.

I wrote a note for my brother.

Matt, I'm sorry I had to leave. I will explain! I just need time away from the publicity, and all the pills that don't do anything. I will call you as soon as I'm safe. And will exxplain everything soon, I promise.

I love you so much!


I frowned and left it folded under his door, I pushed it until it slid into his room on the floor a little space from the door. I packed my stuff. Didn't take the car, no cell phone nothing but clothes , I didn't want to give them an excuse to come find me.

I grabbed my bag of clothes-the few I grabbed - I left enough in my closet to seem like I never left. Along with my toothbrush and everything else. I brought my secret stash of money mom helped me hide for college. I knew one day I'd be running away from home. So I made sure it had plenty of cash.

I ran, ran like I was being hunted. And oh trust me, I felt like I was. I tightly held onto the shoulder strap and ran down all the back roads through all the forests, feeling a rush. I couldn't harm my brother... I refused to stay, and have any chance of harming him.

So I ran, I ran farther away from my problems than anyone ever could. I ran faster than anyone! I am a vampire and I was not risking my life, I have decided to live, I decided this when I killed my mother to live. A sad but very true fate. Very very true.


Had to cut it short, sorry going to update another in a few :)

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