Chapter 6: Aphmau ditched us!

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(Guys Scarlet~Chan is a zombie now. I publish this at 11:55 PM.... RIP!)

Narrator Lilith and PF: It's a wonderful day in the fanfiction book-


Audience Jay and HyperRainbow (Welcome by the way HyperRainbow. Your name is really similar to xRainbowAssassin. Are you guys twins? O.O): Wut?

Narrator Lilith and PF: Yeah... What do you mean?

Scarlet~Chan: JUST YOU  WAIT!!!! I'm actually proud on this one! This is also a long one I guess :3 (First time I do conversation thingy on the beginning of a chapter so yeah! Meh.)

Narrator Lilith and PF: As we are reading.... "It's a wonderful day on Lover's Lane when Aphmau invited Zane and Kawaii Chan to hang out."

Aphmau's POV

"Zane! Want to hang out with Kawaii Chan at the theme park?" I asked. "No thanks. I want to rest." Zane said. "C'mon~~" I pleaded. "No." Zane said. "Fine! I'll ask Gene then." I said. "OKAY OKAY I'M COMING!" Zane said. Hehe! I know what kind of move I can do so I can make you join.

"Why exactly do you want to go to a theme park?" Zane asked. Shot! Zane can read me so easily. Well I can also read him easily. "Well I want you and Kawaii Chan to get to know each other. I mean both of you *whispers* are really adorable toward each another....-" I said. "What?" Zane asked. "I said both of you have the same interest when you think about it." I said. 

"We also have a lot of different interest. Like I am a jerk she is nice. I don't socialize as much as she do. I cover up my face because I have freckles she doesn't because she is a -cute..... *Zane starts to blush* f-flawless.....magn-nificent..... meif'wa.. and uhh..." Zane stopped. 

"Aaannnndd?" I teased.  "Y-you got my point!" Zane said. "No actually I don't" I teased some more. "L-let's just go! Don't want to make Kawaii Chan wait now do we." Zane replied. "You don't want to let your princess wait?" I still teasing him. "Uh-Eh-Er. CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP AND GO!" Zane said hiding his blush

Hehehe... The fun haven't started yet Zane~~

(Scarlet~Chan died of fangirlism. Please call 911 or a doctor immediately)

We went to Kawaii Chan (and also Katelyn I guess)'s house. "Kawaii Chan let's go!!" I said knocking the door. "Miss Aphmau senpai! Kawaii Chan is ready!" Kawaii Chan said. "Wait... Zane~kun is joining us?" Kawaii Chan asked. "Yea! C'mon let's gooooo~~" Aphmau said.

We arrive on the theme park.

"Kawaii Chan is hungry...." Kawaii Chan complain. "Then let's eat then. Aph?" Zane asked. "Sure why not." I replied. We set and eat at the fast food. I'm the first one to finished because I only ordered for burger. "Hmmm? I didn't know Zane~kun liked strawberry soda" Kawaii Chan said (Idk if Strawberry soda exist but eh.) It's time.....

Before I invite these 2. I recorded the ringtone of my cellphone. So now I play it. "Aphmau~senpai your phone is ringing go ahead and answer it maybe it's important! *whispers* Maybe it's Aaron~kun~" Kawaii chan said. Woah. I was going to say that. >.< "Yeah it's him. Okay you guys stay here and I will take this phone call."

Zane's POV

Well.... A while ago I thought Aphmau was setting us out. "So... Kawaii Chan since when do you like Reese?" I blurted out. What have I asked....?

"Since we moved in to Mystreet! He is so dreamy!" Kawaii Chan said. "Grr..." I said. "So Zane kun do you have a love interest on anyone?" Kawaii Chan asked. "Hmm.... N-no one really..." I said. "You sure?" Kawaii Chan asked staring at my EYE (I JUST HAVE TO!). "Err...Uhh...." I started. 

"Guys! Me and Aaron need to go to the vet for Eli the III! I will be back shortly! Please have fun and get to know each other while I'm gone. Please and thank you byeee~" Aphmau said running off.

I knew it my instincts were right! Aphmau is ditching us.

"Mr. Zane do you want to go to the haunted house? I really want to get rid of my fear of haunted houses...." Kawaii Chan asked. "S-sure.... If you want to." I replied

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