Chapter 7: Haunted house

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I'm not really in trend in music so idk if this is the right song for this one. But I do like nightcore version of the music

Author's Note

Okay guys... My brother (Online Alias: Johney) know that tomorrow will be MCD are he instantly hates me again. Why? Well..... All the old notebook is full of Minecraft Diaries theory. So yeah.... My brother will kill me if I do thaty again (I will probably will because MCD is LIFE. Also Mystreet. Also Zane~chan. Whatever let me just say Aphmau is life xD )

Zane's POV

"Haunted house really? Halloween just ended Kawaii Chan." I said. "I-I know! But Kawaii Chan never actually been a haunted house because I'm a scared (-y cat xD Sorry I need to!!)" Kawaii Chan said. "Hmm okay."

We went in to the haunted house. This one is full of jump-scares... Well I got a bad feeling after this.

"A-are you ready?" Kawaii Chan asked. "Why are you asking that to me? I'm not scared." I said. "I can do this." Kawaii Chan said. She hold my hand and went in to the haunted house. I can feel my face heat up. "Err.. Umm.. If y-you wanted to g-get rid of this fear. Y-you shouldn't not hold my hands." I said. "Please Zane~kun! Kawaii Chan is really scared! And it's too dark!" Kawaii Chan cried. 

"F-fine!" I said. This is true horror holding a hand of a crazy meif'wa.....(This line killed me.) A jumpscare appeared. "NYA!!!" Kawaii Chan said then grabbing my arm. "L-LET GO OF ME WOMAN!" I exclaimed while blushing. "PLEASE ZANE~KUN!!" Kawaii Chan cried hardly. "D-don't cry... I'm sorry." I said comforting her. Then a jump scared appeared that leads Kawaii Chan holding my arm much tightly and cry some more.

I gave this person a death glare. "CAN'T YOU SEE THE GIRL IS CRYING ALREADY? GIVE HER A BREAK AND SHOW US THE DAMN EXIT!" I said. "W-woah men.... C-chill.. I'm doing my job..." The guy in a costume said. "*Sigh* Just show us the way." I said. "Okay I'll show you and your girlfriend out of here." The guy in a costume said. 

"S-She is NOT my girlfriend" I said blushing. "Oh... Then I will show you and your crush out of here." He repeated. "*Sigh* S-she is also NOT my crush." I said. "Oh. whatever. Let me show you the way out."

We went out and sit on a bench. Kawaii Chan is still crying. "It's over Kawaii Chan." I said. "I-Is it...? Kawaii Chan asked (It reminds me of "It's Over Isn't it). "Yeah, Calm down and let go of my arm." I said. "O-oh! *Blushie* I'm sorry!" Kawaii Chan said slowly letting go of my arm. "I'll buy you an ice cream stay right here." I said. 

Why am I doing this...? Do I.... Agh... 'Love' her?

Kawaii Chan's POV

Kawaii Chan didn't know Zane~kun is a thoughtful guy.... Someone approuch me. "Hey... Are you alright?" Sounds like Damien. "Oh! Damien~kun!" I said. "Woah.. Are you alright? You look like you cried. What happened? Are you alone?" Damien~kun asked as if he was a worried father. "Oh Kawaii~Chan is alright... Just moving on with that haunted house. And no I wasn't alone. I'm with Mr. Zane~kun, he is buying ice-cream for me to cheer me up." I said.

"O-oh... Are you... and Zane... umm... dating...?" Damien asked. "Hmm? No silly! Kawaii Chan and Zane~kun are waiting for Aphmau~senpai!" I said. "Oh! I need to talk to you Ka-" Damien said. "Kawaii Chan here is your ice-cream. It's strawberry." Zane~kun said(Kawaii Chan is naive so she didn't think that Zane interrupted Damien).

"Oh thank you! Strawberry is my favorite." Kawaii Chan said. "Uhh..." Damien said. *notification sound* "Hmm? Oh.. Aphmau is in the entrance Kawaii Chan let's go." Zane said. "Sorry Daimen~kun! Kawaii Chan and Zane~kun needs to go now. Bye~" I said.

Damien's POV

*Sigh* I was about to tell you how I feel (Yandere simulator reference? Maaayyybeeee?)

Author's Note

To anyone wondering "Why Zane is so unsure how he feels on the fan fiction?". It is because he doesn't know how love works and also in denial that a mature and smart guy like him will fall with a naive, cute girl like Kawaii Chan.

So yeah. Denial

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