Chapter 10: 3 boys...

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Author's Note

I-It's Chapter 10! And I don't have something special UGHHH!!! *Looks on the Works* OH. MY. IRENE! THIS BOOK IS MY 5TH BOOK OF ZANE~CHAN (Not including the Discontinued one) AND I DIDN'T HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL *Cries in the corner* Well Scarlet~Chan will try to make the chapter interesting than intended to be. Wait what is the date today...... *Le Gasp* It's.... November 8.... I'm writing fan ficition for 3 months straight..... Well.... How can I make this special.... I don't know....

Forgive me if this chapter is NOT interesting and NOT special for my 5th book of Zane chan on the Chapter 10. and NOTHING special for my 5 months of writing Zane~Chan fan fic. (I spend 111 words on Author's note... WOWIE!)

3rd Person POV

Kawaii Chan ran out to the restaurant crying. Little do anyone knows.... Zane was IN the restaurant. Not only that! Damien was there TOO.

 You may be thinking "Oh Zane and Damien TOTALLY followed Kawaii Chan like a SORE loser." EHHH! WRONG! Zane actually going to reserve a table for a family dinner and Damien have a family dinner on the seafood restaurant!

"*Sigh*... I'm so messed up...." Reese said. Damien walk towards Zane and said. "We need to talk or you will be facing my fist." Damien threaten Reese. "I'm already beat up so I rather talk somewhere private." Reese said. Reese and Damien went somewhere private. Zane followed them to listen to their conversation.

(A/N: Who is been counting down this scene where 2 characters go on a talk somewhere private? I swear I think I did this to ALL of my fan fiction.)

(!!!WARNING CURSING!!!) (I'm a pure person okay? I don't even know how will you consider a word as a swear. HECK I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW LEMONS WORK!)

"So what the heck happened to Kawaii Chan? WHY IN THE NAME OF IRENE IS SHE SLAPPED and SCRATCH YOU?!" Damien asked. Zane went in and said. "And why in the name of Irene is she crying? what did YOU DO?" Zane asked. (A/N: 2 over protective boyfriends ERR-! Admirers.)

"I... I told her the truth on what I really feel..." Reese said. "And what exactly did you tell her?" Damien asked. "That drives her on doing that to you and crying." Zane asked. "I... I told her... that I just used her to move on....... from Michi... now that I don't have a rival to be with Michi I told her that... I don;t really love her... that I used her so I can move on..." Reese said.

Damien punched Reese in the face. "You deserve that...." Damien said. "You are a fucking disgusting person..... Don't you treat girls like Barbie dolls and play with them... And when your done with it you will just throw them............................ I'm not even shocked if you play with Barbie dolls." Zane said. 

(BURRRRNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!) (Scarlet~Chan: Well Zane don't you play with ponies?) (Zane: Ummm... AT LEAST I'M TAKING GOOD CARE OF THEM! E-especially pinkie cake) (Scarlet~Chan: Is it because pinkie cake and Kawaii Chan have the same hair, cute, amazing girl?) (Zane: *Blushes* N-NO! H-how DO YOU EVEN KNOW I COLLECT PONIES?) (Scarlet~Chan: I just know.)

Zane punches Reese in his arm. Zane whispers "Don't messed with the person I love." (A/N: YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW I'VE WAITING TO WRITE THIS!!!!). It seems like Reese is too weak to hear that

Zane's POV

"Don't messed with the person I love." I blurted out silently. What the heck Zane.....? I think I do like Kawaii Chan... Feelings are complicated (Fact: "Feelings are complicated" is my quote xD). I don't think Reese heard that.... Good because I don't want anyone to hear that.

I went home and sleep in.

3 boys  and 1 girl.... | A Zane Chan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now