Chapter 13: Lucinda's Little Trick...

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Author's Note: This Chapter not only will tell you why I need Lucinda buttt~~ This is where I answer the question you guys putted :3

3rd Person POV (JUST CAUSE!)

Zane and Kawaii Chan come down. "It's about time the party pooper come down" Garroth said. "Well...." Zane started. "I made him go down." Kawaii Chan finished with a white lie. "Well you guys are in time! It's time for Truth or Dare!" Aphmau said. "Oh greaattt~" Zane said with a sarcasm. "That's lame! People will just lie on truths" Katelyn said. "Nuh-uh. This time... I will put a trick on our Truth or Dare" Lucinda said. "What do you mean babe? (LET ME HAVE THIS!!!)" Laurance said.

"W-Wait.. Are you two...." Kawaii Chan started. "AeeAeeee!! That's Adroable!" Kawaii Chan said. "I swear Zane... Don't teach her to be more serious.... She will be.... Mini Zianna." Garroth said. "Welp!" Everyone said. "Well Laurance I'm proud that you found a girl for yourself" Cadenza said. "Well thank you." Laurance said. 

"Back to the topic!" Dante said. "Oh! *Lucinda brings out a glass pyramid*, This pyramid will determine if a person is lying or not. If you lie it will glow to red. and if you didn't tell the truth.... Well you will be stucked on a curse." Lucinda said. "So this pyramid will just a use for truths?" Aaron asked. "Oh right I forgot to tell the Dare part.... So if you didn't do the dare then... It will expose your deep secrets are out." Lucinda said.

Zane and Kawaii Chan already facing their doom...

"Let's do it counter-clock wise." Lucinda said. Travis spun the bottle. It ended up on Katelyn. "Katelyn... Truth... OR Dare?" Travis asked. "Uhh... DARE!" Katelyn said. "I dare you to kiss me." Travis said. "Do it or your deep secrets are out~~" Travis teased. "Ugghhh! FINE!!" Katelyn said kissing Travis with that Travis replied back with a kiss. "Ooooooooo~~" Aph, Lucinda, and Cadenza said

Dante spun the bottle. It landed in Garroth. "Oh... OH HOHOHO HO!" Dante said. "oh no..." Garroth said. "So... Truth or Dare?" Dante asked. "TRUTH!" Garroth respond quickly. "So tell us...  How do you feel about Ivy?" Dante asked. "This is going to be a juicy one!" Lucinda said. "W-We're just friends!" Garroth said. The pyramid goes red and Garroth seems to have 3 eyes now.

"Can I give my 1 eye to Zane?" Garroth said. "NOPE!" Everyone said "Fine... Ivy and I has been hanging out on Love Love Paradise.... She really is a sweet girl." Garroth said. 

Garroth spun the bottle it layed to Zane. "No......" Zane said. "So Zane.... Do you have a crush on anyone..?" Garroth asked. "No." Zane straight up answered. The pyramid did not glow. Kawaii Chan was crushed seeing and hearing this (Same here.......... But I need to do it.)

"Whhhhaaaaaaaaattttttttt?!" Aph said. "I was shocked as you do Aphmau.." Lucinda said. "Well is your pyramid broken?" Cadenza asked. "No... Welp Laurance go on" Lucinda said. Garroth whispers something on Laurance. Laurance spun the bottle. "Please please please" Laurance and Garroth said It stopped on Zane again. "Me again? Ughhh" Zane said

"TRUTH? or Daaaarrreee" Laurance asked. "I would never pick Dare." Zane said. "Purrrfeecttt" Laurance said. "So Let me rephrase what Garroth asked.... What FEELINGS do you have with Kawaii Chan?" Laurance asked. "UHhhh...." Zane started. "N-nothing!" Zane said. The pyramid turns red and gives Zane cat ears. "Ughhh!!!" Zane said. "Zane~kun you looked so cuteee!!~" Kawaii Chan said. "Tell The truth of you stay like this forever~" Aphmau said. "Ughh! F-fine... I found Kawaii Chan cute and...." Zane said blushing.

"Aaaanndddd?" Candenza said. "I really... really think that liked her." Zane said. "I KNEW IT!!!" Aphmau said.  Lucinda spun the bottle. It layed to Kawaii Chan.

"Kawaii Chan. TRUTH? or dare?" Lucinda asked. "Truth..." Kawaii Chan said. "Can you tell us what's going on with your love life" Lucinda asked. Zane backed up. "Hahaha! My love life is going soooo welll~ Oh Reese~senpai just using me in order to move on is totally normal...." Kawaii Chan laugh-cry. 

"Kawaii chan....." They all said. "I'm going to kill Reese when I see him" Katelyn said "No need Katelyn~sama. Kawaii Chan almost destroyed him before Kawaii Chan left him there in physical pain.....Let's just move to the next question" Kawaii Chan said.

Author's Note:

This is the worst chapter ever.... Ughhhhh Anyways I'm here to answer the questions.

 Ughhhhh Anyways I'm here to answer the questions

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Frostmana393 asked "Why do we exist?" 

Well My friend. We exist so we would experience the thing called life.

Chrisandthecat asked "Beside Zane and Kawaii Chan, who's your favorite character?"


Mystreet: Uhhh... UHHH... I really don't know who ASIDE FROM SENPAI ZANE because Zane have the personalities that I really love. like the overprotectiveness towards his best friend and how he denies everything about himself.

But I need to answer your question. So my answer is LAURANCE. "OH NO SHE DIDN'T!" I miss that line T^T

PoisonousFire456 asked "Will I see Santa Claus?"

My friend. You will see Santa Claus................................................................... IF YOU BELIEEEVEEEEE~~~~

PoisonousFire456 asked "Do Aliens exist?"

Hmmm..... Yes. Because I am secretly an alien... Shhh......

PoisonousFire456 asked "How many people live in the world."

Dunno Ask the internet :3. Sorry if there's no accurate answer because..... No one really knows. Like how many hair do you have now? :3

xRainbowAssassin asked "What's the meaning of Life"

"Life has no meaning. Each of us have a meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question if you are the answer" -Joseph Campbell. So Cherish your life to the fullest :)

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