Chapter 1

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Leah flung open the door to her suite and collapsed on her leather couch. She was just about to open her Vogue and relax in the tub when her phone buzzed. She picked it up and scowled at the lock screen when she read the new blast about Dan and Serena's fight.

The brunette rolled her eyes and walked into her bathroom. She fished out a brand new bath bomb from the black paper bag and dropped it into the bathtub, watching it fizz and turn the water into a bright shade of purple.


The sunlight poured through her bedroom through the blinds and she awoke to the soft, silk sheets. Leah yawned and looked at the time, realizing she was late for school once again.

She jumped into the shower, got out and started to get dressed. She decided to wear a white lace-up sweater top with Constance's pleated skirt and black knee-high boots. For makeup, she just dabbed on some concealer, applied some mascara along with some pink lipstick.

She then grabbed a latte from the breakfast buffet downstairs. She eyed the pastries and delicious cheese platters enviously before she shook her head and told herself that it wasn't good for her body. The girl hoped that she wouldn't be late for Advanced English again and threw open the limo door, just to find her brother, Chuck sitting in the backseat. She tried to ignore the very conceited, self absorbed, obnoxious boy sitting next to her.

"Looking good, sis." Chuck remarked with a sly grin. "Ew. Chuck, shut up, please." Leah scrunched her nose up in disgust at her brothers extremely pervy thoughts.

The car came to a halt outside the very prestigious school all the upper east siders attended, and the brunette hopped out and dashed to class.

Leah sat down in her seat as the teacher continued to blab about some unnecessary nonsense and an assignment on the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. "This is a pair assignment so you may choose your partners." The teacher went on. "You and me?" she mouthed to her friend, Dan Humphrey. "Cool." He mouthed back. she rummaged through her new red colored Coach backpack for her cellphone and texted Dan.

Your place or mine? – L

Yours? – D

K. c u there. 6:30 P.M. – L

She smiled at him warmly, and her returned her smile while dropping his phone back into the brown messenger bag he was carrying. The bell rang and all out the students ran out of the class even before the teacher dismissed them. 

At lunch, Leah picked at the pink glob of yoghurt in her plastic container, while Blair rambled on about how insensitive Chuck was. "Tell me something I don't know." Leah thought to herself.


Dan arrived, around seven o'clock and was sill wearing his uniform
"Hey." he said coolly, while leaning against the doorframe.
"Hi." Leah replied. Dan entered her suite and looked around for a second. The entire place was squeaky clean it really looked like no one lived there. "You live here with your father?" Dan asked. "Nope. He likes his space." She replied. "Oh well," Dan thought to himself.

She  turned on her laptop while humming to the tune of the latest One Republic song. Dan started to type the essay on his laptop while Leah searched for material online.

An hour later, they had an assignment ready, and were winding up when Nate barged in. "Ever heard of knocking?" Leah teased.
"No. We were just going to The Oak Room for a drink. You coming? Also nice invites." Nate pointed out.
"Oh yeah. About that. Hey, are you coming to my party next Friday?" The Bass girl turned towards Dan.

"Uh, yeah." He said.
"Great. See you on Friday." Leah smiled.

She escorted Dan out of her room and then waltzed into the lift with Nate Archibald, her best friend from kindergarten.
"You look lovely, by the way." He smirked.
"Oh, shut up." She hit his arm playfully.
"What? I'm just saying. I love how your hair frizzes up when you wash it." Nate stated.  "Sure." She replied, with a hint of playful sarcasm.


"Martini. Two olives please." She told the bartender.
"I'm gonna get a beer." Nate said.
Blair, Serena and Chuck placed their drink orders one by one.

"Omigosh, Leah!" Kati waved.
"Kati, Is Penelope and Hazel. Didn't know you would be here." she said to them.
"Yeah. We texted you." Hazel said.
"Oh, I left my phone at home. Anyway, I have a job for you." Leah ordered.

"Leah? You wanna dance?" Nate approached the five girls. "Sure." The Bass smiled flirtatiously.
"What about the job you need us to do?" Kati asked.
"I'll tell you later." she said hastily and walked off with Nate.


"Are you drunk?" Nate laughed after my fourth martini.
"Maybe. I'm drunk." Leah giggled and shrugged.
When someone was as drunk as she was, they wouldn't care about what they were saying either. "Come here." Nate pulled her towards his chest.

He looked at her genuinely with his gentle blue eyes.
she was obviously was caught up in the moment and leaned in closer. Penelope watched them enviously from a booth nearby, but none of them were aware of this.
she let her tongue slip into his mouth and soon Leah was sitting on top of the counter, kissing the dirty-blonde boy non stop.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now