Chapter 32

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"Good morning." I say to Nate as he walks out of the bedroom and into the living room. I drop my purse on a table in the foyer.
"Morning." He murmurs and snakes his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Let me start by showing you the bedroom." He grins and unbuttons my coat.
"Nate, I'm not really in the mood right now." I say, pushing him away.
"Oh, okay." His face falls.
"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just jet lagged and tried and I don't have the energy to do it."

"Why, when was the last time you ate something?" He asks.
"I just grabbed a croissant and coffee from Starbucks a few minutes ago." I say taking off my coat and shirt, stripping down to my bra.

"You're looking thinner than ever. What's wrong?" He asks me. Well I did skip a period.
"Nothing. I'm fine." I assure him.

"I'm going to go change and just freshen up." I peck him on the cheek and walk inside the bedroom. I pull out a little cardboard box from my coat pocket and go straight into the bathroom.

I have skipped periods because of my anorexia. But I'm eating food and I'm going to therapy and excersising. Maybe it's just because of stress.

But another voice inside my head tells me to take the test anyway. So I take out the stick from the box and pee on it. I pick it up and place it on the counter, nervously anticipating the result.

Then it appears. Two blue lines. I look at the back of the box. Am I... I am... I'm pregnant. My hands fly straight to my mouth. How could I have been so stupid?

"Lee?" Nate calls out.
"Coming!" I reply and leave the test on the counter before rushing out. "Blair was asking if you're still coming to their place today."
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? I love being around her family. Her two dads and Eleanor and Cyrus." I ramble.

"Are you hiding something?" He asks. "Huh?" "Why would I hide something from you?" I chuckle.
"My bad." He shakes his head and says we need to talk.

"Or I can just make the both of us late." I say. I feel like it's the only way to distract him and put off the talk we need to have for a while at least.
"I thought you were just lagged." He's confused.
"Yeah, I was kidding." I smile, and hopefully it's one of those smiles that makes him forget whatever happened and kiss me.


We're at the party, saying hello to everyone, when all our phones buzz.
Spotted. A confused looking L with a pregnancy test in her hand. Looks like someone has a bun in the oven. Who's baby is it, L? Nate's, or that celebrity with who you hooked up with over the weekend?
And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO Gossipgirl.

Everyone turns to look at me. Nate's furious. I look at Blair and Chuck, hoping that they'll help me escape the situation, but they're equally mad.

I take a deep breath and walk up the stairs, into Blair's room and close the door behind me.

"You could be pregnant and you didn't tell me?!" Nate barges in and yells. I nod. "What if I'm not? I would've just stressed you out." I shrugged.
"So you had sex with me to distract me?!" He's even angrier now.
"I saw the bill and the pharmacy bag in your purse." He tells me.
"You went through my purse?" I'm appalled right now.

"Because you were acting strange." He justifies.
"So what? You crossed a line. You can't just invade my privacy like that!" I shout.

"I honestly can't even have this conversation with you right now." He shakes his head and walks out.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now