Chapter 24

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I waltzed down the staircase of the apartment and took my seat next to Chuck.

"Good morning!" Bart chirped happily. Ugh.
Lily smiled at him adoringly.
"You're back early." I noticed.
"My last round of meetings wrapped up sooner than expected." He said.

"Rushing home to the family? How long's this layover?" Chuck asked sarcastically.
"Didn't Lily tell you? I'm here for the long haul."
"That's great. It means you can attend our housewarming party tomorrow night." Lily cooed.

"Oh, um... did you get the little suit I laid out for you, Leah?" she asked.
"That was for me? I thought the housekeepers got new uniforms." I joked. She gave me the death glare.
"Bart brought it from Paris. It had its own seat on the plane."

"You brought me a suit?" I asked Bart, clearly repulsed by the idea.
"Money – straight deposit into one of my offshore accounts." Chuck said.
"New watch." Eric showed me his wrist.
"Credit card." Serena got the maid to pour her some juice.
"Its conservative – yes, but classic." Lily said.

"Now that we are all here, I wanted to discuss something. As tomorrows party marks our debut as a family, we've been talking about what that actually means." Bart was saying...
"Less money for me when you die?" Chuck interrupted.
I rolled my eyes.

"We were thinking more on the lines of some guidelines."
"Guidelines? For what?" I scoffed.
"For life together. I mean now that we are all here. Its time to set some rules." Lily explained.
"Like what?" Eric asked.

"Like every Friday, we dine as a family." She started.
"I think Monday would be better-" Serena but in.
"Curfew of one A.M. on weekends,"
"Is that eastern or pacific?" Chuck asked cockily.
This will screw up my social life....
"And no going out on school nights." Bart completed.

"What? Are you serious?" I demanded.
"All right, all right." Bart lifted his hands up in mock defeat.
"Mom, where is this coming from?" Serena raised her eyebrows.

"Bart and I made the decision together. We are in complete agreement on this matter." She warned.
"Yeah. I'm sure." I stormed out.


I was sitting in my room and watching Friends when Chuck barged in.

"Well, well. Look who's playing by the rules? It's not even a school night. " He smirked.
"I have nothing better to do. What about you?"
"I'm on my way to a house call."

"Ugh. Gross." I pulled a face.

"Naïve Leah. Don't you know that Bart and Lil's set of rules don't apply to me? My P. I. said that he's doing a deal with someone in the Middle East. Apparently, they wont do business with someone who doesn't share family values. So Bart is making sure we do, or at least appear to."
"I hate him from the bottom of my heart." I muttered, walking into my closet.

I changed into a skimpy black dress and waited for Bart to come home.
"Oh, hi dad." I grinned as he walked out of the elevator.
"Leah, where do you think you're going? And in that dress?" he said sternly.

"Oh, the girls and I thought that maybe the girls and I would hit One Oak and then Bijoux. Basically anywhere where we can find some paparazzi. I'm in the mood for a little show tonight." I said and walked into the elevator.
He glared at me.
"Oopsie. I forgot to put on underwear." I giggled as the doors closed.

Well, that was definitely worth it.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now