Chapter 11

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"I'm not going back to the Ostroff." I told Bart at the penthouse.
"Don't be ridiculous, Leah. Just don't bother me right now." Bart rolled his eyes.
"I'm serious."
He was about to say something to me, but was cut off by the beeping of my phone.

"This just in- C confirmed that L has been diagnosed with a serious case of Anorexia. Oh, poor Leah. And according to her dear brother, she actually spent the last six months in rehab and not in 'boarding school' at London. We know your dirty little secret, L. there's no need to hide behind the mask now."

Tears filled my eyes as I read the blast
I got to my room and booked myself a flight ticket to LA. I just needed some time away from everything in Manhattan. I used my Amex credit card, which was linked to the bank account I had all my modelling money in. I had $500,000 in that account. I was just so fed up of everything and everyone. My man whore of a brother, my idiot of a boyfriend, my bitch of a best friend and my father who didn't care about me whatsoever. I needed to die to get his attention. I guess that was a slim chance too. And I wasn't coming back for a long, long time now.
So, I packed my bags and left for the airport. I was in desperate need of a vacation.


The airplane landed and I went to the baggage carousel to get my luggage. I waited for my Louis Vuitton and left as soon as I got it. It was sunny and hot, which was much better than the weather in New York.

I took a cab to one of the Bass Industries hotels. My suite consisted of a kitchenette, one bedroom and a bathroom. It reminded me of my suite back at The Palace. Considering it was only 4:00 P.M. I decided to unpack.

I was tired, jet lagged and sleepy. My eyes fell heavy and I finally gave in. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


"Leah's gone!" Charles exclaimed from the other line.
"Very funny, Charles." He was surely out of his mind.

"No. I'm not joking. Her location services are turned off. She bought herself a plane ticket to Moscow twenty hours ago."

"I'll take care of it." I banged the phone down. Now I had to take my precious time out to find my stupid, runaway daughter.

I pulled out Andrew Tyler's card and had my assistant call him.
"I need you to find out what my daughter is doing in LA. And make it quick."
"Consider her found." He tells me.


The fourth day of my vacation in LA.
I was about to leave when two men broke into the suite. They grabbed me by the arms. I tried to escape their grasp but it was too firm. They made me smell something funny and I was out cold.


I woke up in an oddly familiar surrounding. I blinked for a few seconds...

It was my hotel room at The Palace. Then it hit me. Those were Andrew's men! I groaned and sat up when I saw Bart sitting on the couch next to my bed.

"What the heck Leah?! You cant just run away to LA especially when business is on a good note! Charles is very mad. I can't get into the house because of the press. For once I thought you cared but you turned out to be even more of a bitch than your fucking mother! I knew I should have disowned you the day you were born!" he shouted. I swear I had never seen him like this.

But he can't treat me this way. He can't walk over me when he wants. I'm not a doormat.

"I'm sorry but I'm sorry that I ruined your family name. You're screaming at me because of what the public thinks, but not what you think of me. You think wanting space away from people who literally thrust this life upon you is 'bitchy'. I have tried so hard to maintain the 'family name', it lead me to a freaking disorder. You gave me less importance than anything. You treated me like lint on one of your pristine clothes; a part of you that you cant wait to get rid of. So you know what? You and Chuck go keep your 'family name' while I try to keep up with you guys! I would have anything than to be a Bass!"

"Like I told you, I don't need your house, money or stupid name. if you will excuse me, I have a shoot to attend." I snapped. I took my bag and proceeded when he held my wrist firmly.

"Just know that you are making a very big mistake." He hissed.
"Let go of me." I said, and walked out.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now