Chapter 6

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I walked into my Bart's penthouse at the Palace and rolled my eyes as I noticed the maids and cooks bustling around.

I assumed he was working from home today, so I decided not to bother him and mind my own business by catching up on the latest episode of Friends.

I smiled as the theme song played and laughed at some of the clips it consisted of.

"God, what is your obsession with Friends? There's so much better stuff you can watch. I hate Friends. Its poor humour." Chuck rolled his eyes as he walked in.

"You did not just say that." I warned.
"At least it's better than the pornos you watch."
"Isn't Nate waiting for you?"
"Oh. Oh yeah- he is." I realized.
"See you later, sis." He grinned.
"Yeah, sure." I remarked sarcastically, tossing a cushion at him.


"Hey." I said softly and snaked my arms around Nate's neck.
"Lee, you're here." He smiled sadly. "Did you think about it?" He asks.
"I did. I like you too. But I don't want to screw this up. So maybe we should just take it slow right now. No labels, no strings attached." I tell him.

Our lips brushed against each other's, and I let my tongue explore the insides of his mouth.
I then bit my bottom lip flirtatiously, leaving Nate wanting more.
"Playing hard to get, I see." He grinned.
"Maybe." I touched his chest.

His phone started ringing off the hook, and he decided to answer it.
I moved away from him as he stood up and pressed the green button on his BlackBerry.
I felt the urge to pee, and left to go to the bathroom.

When I came out, the house was eerily quiet and empty.

"Nate?" I called out.
There was no reply.
Still no reply.
"Huh." I said to myself.

I was planning to turn on the TV and wait for Nate to come back from the other bathroom, where I assumed he was.
I noticed a yellow sticky note stuck on the back of the remote.
It read,

'Had to go somewhere. Don't wait for me. I'll see you tomorrow. Sorry. – Nate'

I shook my head and grabbed my phone. I head out the door and onto the busy streets of New York City.
The warm breeze brushed past my face and I smiled despite Nate's mysterious departure.

Where could he have even gone?

My vision blurred and I lost my balance for a minute. I had to hold onto a pole to stop myself from falling over.

These little episodes were coming back. I just blacked out for ten seconds. This cannot happen again.

"This is my body's way of telling me that I need to eat." I thought to myself.
I hailed a cab and told the driver to take me to the palace.

As soon as I went up to my suite, I popped in one of my prescription meds.
I needed to stop whatever was happening.

Suddenly all I saw was black. I fell backwards and I tried to hold onto something, but I couldn't.

I lost my footing and the last sound I heard was the 'thud' of me falling to the ground.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now