Chapter 25

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"Leah. You're wearing the suit. I'm glad you decided to join us tonight." Bart said.
I pulled a face.
"Oh, Leeandra the reporters want to ask you a bunch of questions." Lily pulled me away from Bart.

"So, Leah, your parents keep talking about what a close knit family you are. Is there any memory that stands out? A particular birthday or Christmas?" the reporter asked.
"Oh, my thirteenth birthday is the best." I glared at Bart.
"So, since it was my thirteenth, I really wanted a parent to be there. But, how could I ever forget, my parents don't even know my birthday. I didn't even expect anything. I just wanted to hear my father's voice. So I called him.

I was greeted by a, 'Yeah, Leah what do want? I'm busy.' I told him it was my birthday and that I really wished he could be there.
He told me that he was somewhere in Arabia and when I asked why he said, 'Why don't you understand? The world doesn't revolve around you. You're nothing much to me compared to my business and I have to go.' I was upset for about ten minutes but I eventually realized that I shouldn't waste my time crying over stupid things." I told the reporters.

I smirked and made my exit.
"Looks like Leah's walk down memory lane has her walking out the door."
This bitch.

I went to Nate's house. The front door was latched and I noticed an orange paper on the side that said, 'Seized'.

The back door was open so I went inside and flicked on the light switch.
Strangely, the lights didn't go on.
I turned on the flashlight on my phone and saw a sleeping bag and a bunch of clothes near the fireplace.

Oh my god.

I went back outside and was about to leave when I saw Nate.
"Hey. Lee, what are you doing here?"
"Didn't Gossip Girl tell you about my crazy stunt?" I said.
We both sat down on the staircase and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I hate Bart." I shook my head. "Have you heard their new list of rules?"
"Yeah. Chuck was complaining about it."

Just then, Bart's limo pulled up outside and he came out.
"I've come to take you home."
"Must've had me chipped while I was sleeping." I whispered in Nate's ear.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." I told Bart.
"Leah, we're literally in the middle of the streets. Its not the time to argue."

"Uhh... maybe I should go or something...." Nate said awkwardly.
"You stay right here." I ordered him.
"Get in. I'm not in the mood for drama." Bart hissed.
"Me neither. That's why I'm telling you to leave." I snapped.

He rolled his eyes and got back into the limo. It was just a matter of seconds before he drove away.
"Nate, I want you to sped the night with me at the suite." I held his hand, knowing the conditions he was living in.

We hailed a cab and left for The Palace Hotel.
"Hey Brian. I don't have with me and I was wondering if you have a spare. I never planned on spending the night, the idea just popped into my head." I explained.
"Sure." He smiled and handed me my room keys.
I thanked him and Nate and I went up the elevator in silence.

"Nate..." I began.
"I know how you're living and I really want you to use the suite."
"What- wait. Were you sneaking around my house?"
"I was looking for you. Please just accept." I pleaded.
"Leah, I cant. It's too embarrassing. And Bart..."
"I don't care about Bart. I care about you." I caressed his cheek.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" he pulled me closer to his chest.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now