Chapter 14

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"Hey, Chuck," I called as I entered his suite.
"Yeah?" he called from his room.
I rolled my eyes as I saw Nate behind the kitchenette.

"You know what, I'll come back later. Maybe when this place isn't contaminated." I said, referring to Nate.
"Whatever." Chuck rolled his eyes and closed the door, giving the two of us some privacy.

"Lee, I apologized. What more can I do, buy you the moon?" he said.
"Nothing. You just sit there and do nothing like the asshole you are." I shot back.

"Honestly, I have no clue how or why I tolerate you. You're rude, bitchy and a class A pain in my ass. Lets count your boyfriends, shall we?Carter Baizen, Harry Styles, that guy from Bendel's, Gabriel Edwards and me. Do you know how many boys you stole from Serena and had a one night stand with?"

"Awe, Nate, sweetheart, you cant judge me. I'm Leah Bass. I can do what I want and get the mess cleaned up. I most certainly don't have to clarify this with you. Now, I enjoyed our little talk but, unlike you, some of us have lives. Oh and if I were you, I wouldn't spend all time drinking at my best friend's. It would make me feel like a pile on."

"So I'm a pile on now? Forget it. I don't need your forgiveness anyway. I would never stoop that low." He spat.
"Whatever. Have fun getting drunk at two in the afternoon."


Her last name has really gotten to head. If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb to the top of her ego and jump to the bottom of her IQ. In sixth grade, Leah thought Albert Einstein invented the light bulb and Benjiman Franklin was a pianist. And she calls herself smart. As I drove home in my Ferrari, I looked up to see pictures of  Leah plastered all over the billboards. Well, at least my plan was working...


I really love my job. I was just changing and getting ready to leave the studio when my phone buzzed due to a new Gossip Girl blast.

"Looks like our supermodel really is serious about her career. And from what we've seen so far, Nate Archibald is picking up his best friends' old habits. What happened to these two lovebirds? Trouble in paradise, Leah? Well I'm eager to know. XOXO, Gossip Girl."

Ugh, this bitch.

There was a picture attached to the blast. I opened it. Nate was kissing one of Chuck's call girls in a dingy bar. I felt something, then shook it away. Why am I not surprised? He wasn't my problem anyway.

I was just going through my texts when I found one from Lily.

Lunch at Per Se. Be there at 1:30. We'll go shopping for my dress after.

I still had a little time so I met Blair at the coffee shop. I just had to let all this go. Blair had been my friend for years now, and I know she's guilty of how thi gs went down.
"Leah-" she said.
"Nate was a phase for me." I said.
"Oh, okay."

"Do you really think that breaking up with him was the best thing?" she asked.
"I don't know. He blames me for everything that happened and plus, he's moved on pretty fast by the looks of it. He's my past. I need to move on and find a future."
"You sure he's not pretending?"
"Honestly, I don't care that much. I need to go, but I'll see you around." I told her.

I was walking toward the restaurant when Chuck called.
"What's up? Have you seen Nate?" he said.
"He's not my problem. You can probably find him at Stripper Street." I said.

"He told me not to tell you but things between the both of you are pretty screwed up.
Nate loves you. He's always loved you. But your attitude hurt him. He thought he couldn't make you happy. When you found out about the anorexia, Nate was in pieces. He knew you would do something drastic, even for you and that's why he told Gossip Girl. He thought you could use a break and he needed an excuse to break up with you. He only kissed the prostitute after being extremely drunk, trying to get over you. He thought the prostitute was you. You're all he ever wanted, ever wants and ever will want."
"Lee-" I cut the phone.

"Lily." I smiled at her as I entered the restaurant.
"Hello Leeandra."
"Darling is everything alright? You look flustered." She noticed.
"I'm fine. Just tired."

We were at the Valentino store, choosing Lily's wedding dress.
"Look, Leah that's the same dress Nate bought you." Serena said.
"Too bad it didn't last." She added.
I was so annoyed, I snapped,
"Say that again, and you wont last."

"Girls! How about this dress?" Lily came out wearing a strapless white dress with pearls and embroidery.
"It looks great." I told her.
I picked out a veil and let Serena handle shoes and accessories.
"Lily I need to be somewhere so if you don't mind?" I asked.

"No, of course not. Carry on. Serena and I can take it from here." She smiled at me.
"Alright. I'll see you then."

I went home and washed my face with cold water, then massaged my forehead. He purposely did it because he knew how I would react. Everything is a mess...
I wanted to make things right, so I called him.
He sent my call straight to voicemail, though.

"Hey Nate. It's me. I'm really sorry. Chuck told me everything and I want to make it up to you." I waited for an hour. No reply.

"Nate it's me again. Please listen." I still hadn't gotten a reply one and a half hours later.

"Nate. I'm sorry." Still no reply.

I then went to his house and impatiently rang the doorbell twice.
No one opened the door.

"Nate I know you're in there. Open up." I knocked. Someone finally opened the door.
"What do you want, Leah?" he asked dryly.
"I left you a bunch of messages." I said.
"Yeah I got them." He said.
I pushed a stray lock of hair behind my ears.
"I'm sorry. I was angry and I yelled at you."
"You think I'm mad because you yelled at me?"
"No. Look I kno-"

"No, Leah. You don't." He cut me off.
"Why do you push away everyone who cares about you?" He asked
"I don't know." I mumbled.
"Well you better find out, because I'm done with you." He slammed the door in my face.

Hot tears filled my eyes and I ran to the limo. I sobbed behind the new Vogue magazine.
He's right. I do keep everyone out of life. It's just easier that way. When I finally found the one my ego took him away from me. I guess I am an egoistical bitch. And I guess my lest name really is getting to my head.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now