Chapter 13

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It was 4:00 PM. just great. We had spent three hours just screaming our heads off at each other. I got a hot chocolate from the nearest coffee shop and my stuff shifted into my room. I was totally free after 6 o'clock. But I have to go to the Ostroff from 5 to 6.


I walked home later that evening. Then Chuck called me when I was in the elevator.
"Lily Serena and Eric are coming to dinner get dressed." He said

The elevator doors opened and Serena, Lily and Eric stepped out.
Bart kissed Lily on the cheek.
"Leeandra, Charles! It's so wonderful to see you!" She gushed.
"You too Lily." I smiled.

Serena and I went to my room. Chuck was probably educating Eric about some perverted nonsense. Went to the living room for dinner later that evening and Lily made my plate overflow.
I picked at my pasta, with no intention of eating it.

"Why aren't you eating?" Lily asked me.
"I'm not very hungry." I said
"You have to develop a healthy relationship with food."

I ate a little pasta and garlic bread. It was the first proper meal I had eaten in days.

"May I be excused? I have an important phone call to make."
"Sit down Leah." Bart gritted his teeth.
"Nothing is more important than family." Lily insisted.

Chuck and I practically choked on our food. That's the best thing I've heard all week." Chuck said.
I just rolled my eyes. After dinner, Lily made me eat and entire slice of cheesecake.
Was she trying to make me explode? I'm definitely skipping breakfast tomorrow.

We were sitting in the living room and I was trying to make this evening end as soon as possible, but then...

My phone buzzed. It was Nate. Nate. How dare he even text me after what he did. He told Chuck to send that tip! I trusted him. I thought Nate was different. He wasn't supposed to be a freaking asshole of a boyfriend. He was supposed to be loving and caring.

"I need to answer this." I told Lily and Bart.

"Hey Lee." he said
"You bloody liar!"
"Leah are you okay?" He sounded concerned.
"Did you tell Chuck to send in a tip to Gossip Girl?" I fumed

"Yeah. You were missing. I didn't mean any-"
That's all I needed to hear before I banged the phone down.
I went outside and pretended to be alright. Serena was the only one to notice the tears that stung my eyes.
Lily had already moved her stuff into Bart's room. Eric was using Chuck's old room and Serena took the guest room. So they had already moved in.

"I'm tired." She said stifling a fake yawn.
"Serena and I are just going to hang out in my room for a bit." I said.
She gently closed my room door.
"What's wrong Leah?"
"Sending a tip in to Gossip Girl about my eating disorder was Nate's idea." I said
"You never know L, maybe he was worried about you." She said
"He could've called me. My phone wasn't off." Plus, I had plenty ways to justify myself.
Nate called me just then. I sent the call strait to voicemail .

Two hours had passed and I couldn't resist any longer. I finally opened the voice mail. It said,

"Hey Lee, it's me . I'm sorry for what happened. I was really upset and it was actually Blair's idea."

Either I'm losing my mind or this is all scripted!
I was so done with this drama!

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now