Flashback ♥

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Flashback *

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Terrance P.O.V

"So watchu wanna do while she's gone ?" Camilla asked when Priscilla went to get the pizza. "Watch Sam and Cat bihh, this the shit" I said "Heck yea, so how things going with you and Priscilla ?" she asked "We good" I said "Not sad that your not getting any play ?" she teased and I mugged her "She gon give it to me, just wait" I joked and she laughed "Trust me , she not" she said "Watchu mean ?" I asked "If you want some play your funna have to wait centuries , trust me I know my best friend" she said "Damn" I said shaking my head then she kissed my neck and I looked at her crazy "Watchu doing ?" I asked "Helping you out" she coming on top of me, I wanted to stop her trust me, but I couldn't. I've been needing this for a long time, it's my weakness. She took her clothes off and she tempted me even more. Then she took of my clothes "We need a condom" I said "No we don't" she whispered then she started grinding on me, damn my dick hard as fuck. I laid down and let her ride me and guided her hips with my hands , back and forth. Then she started moaning my name and calling me baby, damn I miss this shit. Then my baby walked through the door, damn fucking make you forget about everything. I saw my baby's face change real quick, she looked like a lost puppy in the rain, I felt my heart drop, I hated myself for this, I hated Camilla even more. I saw my baby pop off and throw our clothes out the window while we pleaded for her to listen. But she even got more angrier , the look on her face was so much hate and anger and it looked like she really wanted to kill us. Me and Camilla ran out , and went quickly to the car, so no one can see us butt-naked. Then I saw Camilla run in my car. "Bitch is you crazy ?" I asked yelling "I lost my keys Terrance !, I need a ride" she yelled "You better find them bitches, cause you not coming in my car" I said "Please Terrance ! I'm not walking around here naked, please! " she pleaded, as much a I hated this bitch right now, I just gave her a ride that would be green as fuck, If I let her out here butt-naked. After I dropped her off I went straight home and called Priscilla a million times , I don't care, I'm not funna give up till I get an answer. After a whole bunch of calls, she put her phone off, I could tell cause it went straight to voicemail every time I called, damn. I was on my bed thinking, reminiscing, tapping my feet, thinking of everything that just happened. Damn I fucked up bad, I lost the one girl I really loved, and I aint never getting her back. Imma miss her, imma miss her soft lips, small hands, her baby voice, her brown skin. the way she laugh, her beautiful smile, the way she say my name. I cant, I cant live through this knowing that I hurt my baby. Then my mom came In my room. "Terrance is everything all right ?, why did you come in here naked ?" she asked then she sat by me "Me and Pris are over" I said and she was shocked "Baby it'll be okay, you guys just got to work things out, this is how--" she said "No mom, I fucked up bad, I fucked up big time" I said "What happened T" she asked "I .... I cheated on her. Not with any girl, with her best friend. Mom, I slept with her best friend, and I aint never getting her back" I said with my head down and she stayed quiet. Then she got up and didn't say a word "So you just funna leave and not say nothing?" I asked "You made the mess, and It's your job to clean it up" she said leaving, I don't blame her, I would be disappointed in myself too. I'm not giving up until I get my baby back.

Priscilla P.O.V

"Alright baby I'll call you tonight" Dwayne said when he pulled into my driveway, I swear he the best, he just made one of the worst days ever into one of the best "Alright baby" I said kissing him "I love you" I said "I love you too, and Is that Camilla's car ?" he asked "Yeah, I got her car keys too, I don't know what to do with them" I said "I got something" he said then he went to his trunk, what's this boy up to?  Then he came with his bat and handed it to me "Your baseball bat ?" I asked "Bust the windows out hers and his car" he said and I smiled then I kissed him "Thank you babe" I said "Your welcome love, go get some sleep first, you need it" he said then we said our goodbyes and I went inside , lawd what a day, what a day.

The next day I took a shower and started reading my book. Then the doorbell rung. I went downstairs and their stood Camilla, the nerve of this bitch. "Hey I know I'm the last person you want to see but I just need my keys and my car and I'll get going" she said and I didn't say a word . I just grabbed her keys from the counter and threw it at her and grabbed the bat and hid it behind me "Thank you" she said then walked away as she got in her car and was starting it, I went up to the car and smashed the window "Priscilla please !! I'm sorry!" she yelled when I smashed all her windows then I ran to my hoes and she tried to start her car then I turned it on and then started shooting her with water then her car finally started and she sped up, this bitch deserved that shit. Then I went inside and started reading my book, that shit felt a lot better, his car is next

She got it bad ♥(Part II)Where stories live. Discover now