Chapter 13 ♥

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Ch. 13

Terrance P.O.V

I sat on my bed and decided to text Priscilla. After the whole Priscilla accident I've been aware about everything. I know not to fuck with their relationship. Imma just fuck with Dwayne. It's like the fucking accident brought them closer. And Camilla thinks she's gotten closer with me, that bitch crazy. This whole week I've been fucking with Dwayne , Imma pop his ass foreal if he keep fucking with my girl. He frontin like he aint scared, that nigga know he scared. Priscilla aint never texted back so I decided to go to her house. I took a shower and drove over there. When I rung the bell , she opened the door with a surprise face. She looks so cute when she just wake up. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had on hello kitty pajamas. "What are you doing here?" she asked rubbing her eyes "We need to talk Priscilla" I said "No Terrance you caused enough trouble already, you said what you had to say, now get out my face" she aid trying to slam the door but I stopped it "Priscilla listen man, I miss you, I know and you know that I still got strong feelings for you, and you need to stop acting like you don't" I said and she sighed "I try not to love you Terrance, I love Dwayne too much, I don't want to be in love with two people" she said with a tear coming down her face and I came up to her hug her but she pushed me away "Don't come near me" he said which made my heart hurt "I know I hurt you Pris, but damn you got to express your feelings'' I said and she looked at me "Aint that what I'm doing Terrance ?, I once loved you but not anymore, Dwayne has not once hurt me they way you did Terrance, matter of fact he hasn't hurt me period" she said "Aint it his fault you was in that fucking accident Priscilla ?!" I yelled "Nigga don't blame that shit on Dwayne ! I should've never went to go see your stupid ass !" she yelled back "Man fuck you bitch ! I'm here trying to give sympathy to you and shit but you here acting hard headed and shit !" I yelled "Nigga don't call me no fucking bitch !" she yelled poking my chest multiple times and I pushed her hand away and punched her "Fuck you !" I said and went to my car and drove. Shit she pissing me off , but damn what the fuck did I just do ?

Dwayne P.O.V

I sat in my living room with my homeboys. "Yo nigga where the weed at doe'' one of them said ''It's up my ass nigga, you aint smoking in my house'' I said making them laugh. "Man whatever'' he said ''Aye Priscilla got him changing his ways, he sprung as fuck '' . One of them said ''What does that have to do with anything?'' I asked ''Man you know exactly what I'm talking bout, ever since you started dating Priscilla, you've been in your good boy phase'' he said making them laugh and I shook my head ''Man whatever'' I said and they started cracking up. While we was chilling somebody busted to my door and we all turned and it was Priscilla. She looked pissed as hell. "What's wrong?'' I asked ''We need to talk'' she said folding her arms ''Damn Dwayne, what you do now?'' they asked laughing. I got up and took her to the kitchen ''Wassup?'' I asked and I couldn't disregard the fact that she was a little swollen on one side her face. "What the fuck happened Priscilla?!'' I asked ''Just chill D, it's nothing serious'' she said with a tear coming down her eye. "Watchu mean it aint nothing serious?!'' I asked ''Lower your voice Dwayne'' she whispered and I brought her up to my room ''Tell me what the duck happened Priscilla'' I asked once we got there. "Terrance hit me'' she said with a crack in her voice. Then I felt an urge to fucking kill somebody. The nerve of that son of a bitch to hit my fucking lady. I grabbed my gun outta my drawer and rushed downstairs ''WAIT DWAYNE PLEASE !!!'' Priscilla yelled but I just ignored it. That nigga is dying today. I hopped in my car and started my car "Dwayne please, I don't want you getting locked up, I need you'' she said when she was at the car window then she leaned down to kiss me then I looked at her with concern ''Don't worry about me baby, I'll be back'' I said then started the car and drove off. His family better plan his funeral today.

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