Chapter 10 ♥

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Ch. 10 

Dwayne P.O.V

I sat on the bed watching T.V . I texted Priscilla to see where she at and she texted she was on her way. When she finally got home, I was a happy ass nigga. I'm hungry as fuck. When she came upstairs she had a bag of McDonalds in her hand and handed it to me. "Damn baby I love you" I said grabbing the bag and she faked a laugh and it looked like she's been crying "Baby what's wrong ?" I asked making her sit next to me, and I couldn't disregard the fact that she smelt like cologne, and It definitely wasn't my cologne and she just stayed quiet "Priscilla what's wrong?" I asked again "Nothing D , I'm good" she said, like I'm supposed to believe that "Pris your eyes are puffy as hell, just tell me what's wrong" I said and she stayed quiet "Where did you go?" I asked and she started crying again, damn. "I don't want you to be mad at me D" she said "Please tell me you wasn't with Terrance" I said and she stayed quiet and I got up "Damn Priscilla!" I yelled "Calm down D , it's not what you think" she said trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working, I'm about pissed as hell, and she could tell , cause she looked scared "Damn Priscilla , to think I actually trusted you about the whole situation, damn I was stupid as fuck" I said and I could tell she got mad "So I'm the only one who made a mistake here ?!" she yelled "Watchu tryna say Priscilla?" I asked folding my arms "You and Camilla teamed up to hurt me just so you could have a chance with me" she said and I went wide-eyed. That bitch Camilla, when I find her ass, something is funna go down. "Who said that shit ?!" I said "Does it matter ? I just want to know if it's true or not" she said "No that shit not true, even if it was, it takes two people to fuck Priscilla, I had nothing to do with that shit" I yelled and she stayed quiet and held her head ''He texted me saying to come meet him, I didn't want to at first but he said it was important and he wanted to tell me in person. I left and met up with him, and he told me what he tell me, and he hugged me and I started crying then pulled away and left" she said and I sat down next to her "Was it worth it ?" I asked and he looked at me "Worth what ?" she asked "Worth breaking up our relationship, cause this shit not funna work out Priscilla" I said getting and he looked at me shocked "No Dwayne, don't do this to me" she pleaded with tears coming out her eyes "This not funna work, I got some things to handle and you got some things to handle" I said and she got up and hugged me "Please Dwayne, I need you" she said holding me tight and I pulled her away "Don't make this harder than it is Priscilla" I said "So you funna leave me ?" she asked sobbing and I nodded my head, I did not want to this I swear. She wiped her tears and she grabbed her keys "I'm leaving then" she said then walked to my door and she looked at me and said the 3 words I never thought she would say "I hate you" she said and walked out. I swear that just crushed me into pieces. The girl I'm madly in love with, just told me she hate me

Priscilla P.O.V

I went into my car and drove home, I couldn't help but to cry. I can't believe what Dwayne just did to me, I cant deal with all this pain in one day. My eyes were too puffy and I couldn't barely see the road. As I made a right at the light, everything went black and all I heard was sirens everywhere

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