Chapter 12 ♥

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Ch . 12

Priscilla P.O.V

After everybody came to the hospital , I decided to just go home instead of Dwayne's house. I dont know what the hell gotten into him yesturday. It was a side of him that I thought I would never see. "So what happened between you and Dwayne yesturday?" my mom asked me when we sat down on the couch. "We got into one of the worst arguments we've ever had and we broke up" I said "You were crying werent you ?" she asked "Yes" I said and she shook her head "Pris two things you cannot do while your driving is text and cry, and do your make-up and do your nails and --" she said but I cut her off "I get it ma" I said making her chuckle "But in all serious sweetie I hope you and Dwayne works things out, And Imma need to have a talk with that nigga Terrance, that nigga gonna be having a conversation with my fist" she said walking to the kitchen causing me to laugh, I love my momma for days. I then got up and went to my room and called Dwayne. 

"Yo wassup ?" He said answering the phone

"Nothing , just got home" I said

"You feel alright ?" he asked , I laughed on the inside, he asked me this about a billion times today

"Yea babe , I wish you were here though" I said making him chuckle

"After all I did to you , you still want me near you ?" he asked and I sighed

"I got it bad D" I said making him laugh and I laughed too

"Imma be over there in just a second , just let me handle some business first" he said

"Alright" I said and hung up

I placed my phone on my drawer and went to go take a fresh shower which was hard as fuck. I'm sore everywhere and I mean everywhere. I couldn't barely make it to the shower.

After my 30 minute shower. I wrapped my towel around me and went out the bathroom and saw Dwayne laying on my bed which caused me to smile. "When did you get here ?" I asked "Just in time" he said and got up then picked me up causing me to giggle "What you got under that towel ?" he asked "something you'd like but cant have right now" I said and he gave me a smirk "Why not ?" he asked "I'm sore as hell" I said and he laughed then laid me down on the bed gently then laid next to me "I think we should discuss on what happened yesterday" he said stroking my hair and I sighed ''Are you still mad at me ?" I asked and he stayed quiet for a little bit, I have a strong feeling he's never going to get over this "Of course not baby, you just shouldn't have lied to me" he said "You wouldn't have let me go" I said "Of course I wouldn't let you go, see what happened yesterday ?, shit like that is funna keep on happening if you fuck with him, and I swear Priscilla seeing you in that hospital bed with all them cuts, made me want to kill somebody, that shit caused me so much pain'' he said and I felt myself wanting to cry but I held it in ''I wanted to die" I whispered and he looked at me with concern in his eyes "Baby why would you say that?" he asked "Cause I love you, the thought of not having you no more, is like knowing I'm about to die, I need you D'' I said ''Baby please don't ever say that again, that just killed me inside'' he said ''But that's how I feel D" I said sitting up "Baby I love you too, I feel the same way, but you know we was funna have to work things out'' he said and I smiled and rested my head on his stomach "What we funna do about Terrance, he's funna be all up in my ass" I said "Imma take care of his ass and his hoeing ass baby mama" he said. I forgot all about Camilla being pregnant by Terrance. I don't know why that hurt me so much inside. I know for a fact it's not because I still love him, I love Dwayne and that's it. Then what's that feeling I get when I hear Terrance's name? Ugh it's frustrating me.

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