Chapter 8 ♥

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Ch. 8

Priscilla P.O.V

I sat on my bed, listening to music, waiting for Dwayne to come. When the doorbell finally rang I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Hey baby" I said wrapping my arms around his neck "Hey baby, I missed you" he said kissing my neck and lifting me up "Long day at work ?" I asked "Hell yea" he said putting me down "What happened?" I asked "Hold on, I need something to eat, I'm hungry as fuck" he said making me chuckle.

We went to the kitchen and ate my mom's rice and fried fish. "So what happened at work ?" I asked "Adrianna came to my job today" he said and I felt my face tighten "What she say ?" I asked "She's crazy Priscilla , I'm telling you that bitch is crazy, she talking bout some, I'm crazy over you and I will not give up" he said laughing but It wasnt a joke to me "Dwayne, It will not be funny once I beat that hoe ass !" I said getting up and he got up "Just chill baby, let me handle her, and If she cant take a hint, then you can beat her ass" he said making me laugh "Baby I need a break from these problems" I said wrapping my arms around his neck "I know baby, they'll be gone sonner and later, but that nigga Terrance, he funna get the two peice" he said "He still coming up to you?" I asked "Everyday man, I just be laughing at his ass, plus their's a rumor saying that Camilla is pregnant by his baby" he said "You serious ?!" I asked "Hell yeah, I believe it too, she getting a little fat'' he said , damn no wonder. ''Wow , that's why she's always up his ass'' I said ''Shit, she just thirsty for his dick'' he said making me laugh and I stopped just thinking of the thought. "It still hurts dont it ?" he asked "A lot" I said with a tear coming out my eye and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mines around his neck. "It's okay baby, I'm here for you" he said "I know" I said sobbing "You know , if you want, we can make our own babies" he said and I lifted my head and he wiped my tears away and I smiled "and ours is going to look 10 times better" he said causing me too laugh "I love you" I said "I love you too" he said pecking me on the lips

Dwayne P.O.V

After I came from Priscilla house, I went straight home and laid on my bed. Just as I was about to call Priscilla I got a call from an unknown number. 

"Yo ?" I said

"Aye this Terrance" he said

"The fuck you calling my phone for ?" I asked

"Nigga , I'm making a pact with you" he said

"What ?" I asked

"If you dont leave Priscilla soon , yo ass funna get popped, and that's a promise" he said

"Nigga was I supposed to jump ? , that shit aint nothing to me" I said

"I'm just saying, I want my girl back, and I'm making it known" he said

"So you tried getting Priscilla back and you aint succeed , so you threatining to kill me, ?" I asked

"Nigga, just stick to the pact and you'll live" he said

"Okay but I got a question, even if you pop my ass, what makes you so sure that Priscilla funna want you back?" I asked

"Man fuck you" he said hanging up

Swear niggas be thinking they hard but dont do shit. After that shit , I called Priscilla , I aint funna tell her about the whole threatining situation cause she funna panic and I dont want all that problems to worry about. 


The next day , me and Priscilla went to go get some applications for Priscilla. "Why dont you get an application where I work at, so we can work at the same place?" I asked her while we walked around the mall "Cause baby, you got to think about it, if we work at the same place we funna get sick of each other, I dont want that to happen" she said and I smiled "Baby I dont think I could ever get tired of you" I said "Awhhh thats sweet but I was speaking for myself" she said and I raised my eyebrow "Yea whatever" I pouted "I'm just kidding baby, I love you too much for that" she said "I know" I said making her laugh.

We got applications from 3 different stores. I know my baby funna get one of them, cause she got it like that. We sat at the food court and ate , while Priscilla filled out her applications. While we was sitting down I saw Camilla down by the bathroom , damn why we alway bumping into these hoes? ''Yo Pris , I'll be back, I gotta pee" I said "You always gotta pee boy" she said making me laugh "Just wait one second" I said getting up and she nodded her head then I walked to the bathroom.

"Oh hey Dwayne" Camilla said smiling "Aye I aint Terrance now , dont mistake me for a dumbass" I said and she rolled her eyes "Anyways , why you act like you dont know nobody, I thought we was friends" she said "Girl please, I never really liked you" I said "Come on Dwayne you should thank me" she said "For what ?!" I asked "Because I did all of that just for you" she said and I looked at her confused "Did what ?" I asked "I slept with Terrance in Priscilla's own house on purpose, I felt bad cause you were madly in love with her, so I went out my way to ruin me and Priscilla's relationship so you guys can get together , your welcome" she said and I stayed quiet for a little bit, I cant believe what I'm hearing right now. "Wow , you are way dumber than I thought" I said and she smacked her lips "Boy I did that all for you, you should be thankful" she said "Bitch I didnt need your help, why the fuck would you do that fuck shit to Priscilla ?!" I said "Oh come on , you have got be kidding me, at the end of the day you got your girl, you should be happy" she said "Listen here, do not tell Priscilla about this, and if you do I wasnt in on that stupid ass plan, you hear me loud and clear right ?" I said and she popped her gum "Yea whatever" she said "And tell your baby daddy , I aint going no where" I said "What did he tell you ?" she asked "Oh just to let you know, homeboy trying to get Priscilla back, so you better check him" I said walking away and she stopped me "How'd you know he my baby daddy?" she asked "Well I dont know if it's his , cause you be going around, but your stomach tells it all" I said pointing at her stomach "Man my stomach not that big, and I do not sleep around !" she said "Yea alright , whatever helps you sleep at night" I said then walked away

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