Chapter 22 ♥

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Ch. 22

~ 1 month later

* Promise P.O.V

I walked down the hallway with Ciara after lunch. Ciara was headed to class as I headed to my car.  I didn't feel like staying in school because I had a bad stomach ache and my head felt like someone was stabbing it.

While I was on my way , I stopped in the bathroom cause I felt like I needed to throw up. I threw up all the food lunch I ate today, in the toilet then washed my hands and my mouth. I felt so light headed. After washing my face and drying up , I started chewing on gum. This school lunch aint no joke.

As I was on my way to my car, I saw Dwayne walking down the hallways with his homeboy. I haven't talked to Dwayne since the break up. Not cause he doesn't talk to me but because , I didn't want to talk to him. I haven't forgave him for what he did to me. He tried talking to me , but I just dodged him. He hurt me in so many ways you could think of and I will never forget how I felt when he told me what he told me.

"Hey Pris" he said smiling at me . I just smiled and walked past him but he stopped me by pulling my arm. He stood in front of me , looking down on me. "What do you want Dwayne?" I asked with an attitude. "I want you to be my girl Priscilla'' he said and I rolled my eyes. "Forget it Dwayne, you made your decision'' I said folding my arms and he leaned down until he was only 1 inch from my face. "I'm not giving up'' he said with his minty breath being blown onto my face and all I felt was chills. "Bye Dwayne'' I said sighing and walking away. My heart was in so much pain , and it hurts me even more to just walk away from him.

I hopped into my car and drove home, I opened the door with my keys then went straight upstairs. I went into the bathroom and drunk some Advil with water. My head was spinning and my stomach was in so much pain. I laid on my bed and texted Ciara that I have to cancel plans again, I seriously do hate cancelling on her but I feel terrible , I just need some rest.

Dwayne P.O.V

After school , I went straight to my home boy house. We sat on his living room as we just kicked back and ate food. He know everything that has been going on with me and Priscilla. He tries to make me forget about it but she's my life. Priscilla meant everything to me and she still do. The look in her eyes every time I try to talk to her , all I see is hurt. I really aint mean to hurt her , I was just too mad that night to think about on what I was saying. She probably aint ever funna forgive me , I don't blame her though. I hate my own damn self for that.

After my homeboy house , I drove to my momma house. I drop by once in a while to see what's been going on with her. She's been dating this guy for 2 years now. When I found out she had a new boyfriend , I fought his ass. My dad is in the army so he was barely home so my mom divorced him. I loved my father with a passion and I couldn't stand seeing my mom with another nigga. After I fought him , he gave my mom an ultimatum to either have me in the house or to be with him. I just left because I felt like I need to live my own life , which is why I live by myself now.

"Hey sweetie, I missed you!" she said squeezing me. "Hey ma'' I said choking. "Oops my bad son , come on have a seat'' she said inviting me in and closing the door. I sat on the couch as I looked at the old pictures that was on the counter. Their were pictures of me and mom everywhere. She had to throw all the ones with my dad in the garbage but I grabbed them and kept them for myself.

"How you've been baby?'' she asked sitting next to me , then I got comfortable. "I've been good'' I said taking a bite of the cookie she made. "Your doing good in school ?" she asked and I nodded while I was choking down the cookie. "I've been accepted to three colleges do far'' I said and she smiled. "I'm proud of you baby'' she said holding her hand to her chest "Thank you ma'' I said and we sat back and watched Saved by the Bell. "How's you and Priscilla?" she asked while it was on commercial. I sighed at the thought. My momma loved Priscilla , she thought she was the cutest and sweetest thing ever. It's funna break her heart when she finds out me and Priscilla broke up and we possibly might not be getting back together. I finally was able to speak , thinking about it made me weak. "We not together'' I said choking on some words. Then she went wide eye. Tears started falling down my eyes. "Oh sweetie , it'll all be alright , I know how much you loved her, but things will get better, it only takes time, love do comes back around'' she said then I sniffed. "I know ma'' , I said holding my head with both my hands. ''It'll be okay son'' she said rubbing my back. Which I doubt , nothings okay without Priscilla midget ass by my side.

''You heard from dad?'' I asked sitting up and changing the subject. She sighed. "Not in a while , last time I heard from him was about two months ago telling me to wish you happy birthday'' she said "My birthday is not until next week'' I said confused and she just looked down "Is he okay ma?" I asked and then she started sniffing. "He just said he's going to be out more so just in case something happens to him he wants you to know that he didn't forget'' she said with cracks in her voice. I just shook my head. "I'm praying son" she said. I then sat close to her cause now she was breaking down with tears. I held her  close and laid her head on my chest.

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