A Silver Lining

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Chapter 16---A Silver Lining

“Wow. Leave it to Gabe Maple to save the day and give Ember hope,” Jenn said, handing Dex a snickerdoodle cupcake.

We were sitting in the mall's coffee shop.

“What is this?” Dex asked.

“You asked for a snickerdoodle,” Jenn replied.

“Yeah. You do know that a snickerdoodle is a cookie, right?”

“Apparently, they make them in cupcake form, too,” I said, pointing to the specials' sign near the front register.

“So Ember, what's your next move?” Dex asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Gabe told us that Seth is a free man. You can get him to be yours forever. You'll date for the next few years, and then he'll propose in Paris. Then you two will have the most amazing kids, and you'll live in a beach house near my personal mansion,” Jenn said.

“Don't you think you're exaggerating?” I asked. “And when did you ever get a personal mansion?”

“Well, it hasn't happened yet, but it will,” Jenn stated. “I just know it. Now back to you. What's your plan?”

“I don't have a plan. I'm not even sure if I should do anything. Like I told you guys earlier, I always seem to run away from Seth, and I don't think he deserves that.”

“Not this again,” Dex complained. “Ember, if you're not going to do something about this, Jenn and I will. We've interfered in your love life before, and we won't hesitate to do it once more.”

“He's right, you know,” Jenn pointed out.

I sighed. “Any suggestions, then? If I were to do something about all of this...”

“First off, you need to just give him a call. Or better yet, talk to him in person,” Dex answered.

“You need to apologize for always running off,” Jenn said. “Honestly, it's as if you don't even really want to be with him.”

“But you guys know why I was always running off.”

“We know that, but Seth doesn't,” Dex stated.

“You need to explain about your whirlwind fairytale life. You need to tell him that he is your Prince Charming.”

“I am so not going to say it that way. He's going to think I'm crazy.”

“If he's going to be your boyfriend, he needs to know about your crazy side.”

“Jenn, he's not my boyfriend.”

“Yet!” she and Dex shouted, in unison.

A few people in the coffee shop turned to look at them.

“Guys, shut up. People are staring,” I said, aware of the curious bystanders.

“So do you want us to interfere? We're pretty good at it,” Jenn said. “We can call Seth ourselves and—”

“No. I think I'll just let everything takes it's course,” I told them.

Dex took a bite out of his cupcake. “Living in the moment, I see.”

“So you think that's things are just going to magically fall into place?” Jenn questioned.

“Hey, if my life is destined to be a fairytale, isn't that the way it's supposed to happen, magically?”

“You are absolutely right,” Jenn said.

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