Calling All The Witches

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Chapter 18---Calling All The Witches

After leaving Regine's shop, I was in such a good mood.

I strolled through the front door, humming.

"What is that irritating noise?" Pearl asked, her chunky-heeled boots practically denting the floor.

"Um, your voice maybe?" I suggested.

She glared at me. "You think you're being funny, don't you?"

"Why? Do I amuse you?"

She crossed her arms. "You were humming. Why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

"Can't a person be happy?"

"A person can, but you can't."

"Are you trying to say I'm not human?"

"I'd rather refer to you as a human-like creature. Something about you has always been off to me."

I sighed. "Pearl, even you can't bring me down today."

"Which brings us back to the topic of being happy. What happened to you? You usually come home complaining. Right now, you're far from it, and I don't think I like it."

"If you must know, something that I've been waiting for...has finally come to me."

She scoffed. "What is it? Maybe a new mask for your hideous face. Some new foreign lotion for your rough skin. Or maybe, scientists have developed a way to give boring people a better personality."

"Haha. Very funny," I said, sarcastically. "But I'm not telling you."

"Why not? You don't trust me?"

"Of course I don't trust you."

"But what about all that I've done for you?"

"Hmm...and what exactly have you done for me?"

"I...I've given you advice."

"Sarcastic advice that translates into insults. Pearl, you've given me no reason to trust you."

She made a clicking noise with her tongue. "Well, if you won't tell me, I guess I'll have to pry it out of your sisters."

"Step-sisters," I corrected.


"What makes you think that they know?"

"They're popular. They know everything."

"Not everything. Need I mention that your oldest daughter was held back a year? Need I mention that Jade and Ruby have me do their homework? Need I mention that--"

"Stop saying need I mention! It's annoying. Besides, I wasn't referring to schoolwork. I'm talking about life, social life, which you probably don't know much about."

"You still think I'm a boring person?"

"Uh, yeah, kinda."

"Well, I still think that you're a cold-hearted, out-of-this-world, good-for-nothing, inconsiderate, idiotic, irritating witch," I admitted.

"Wow. Harsh words. You really think that about me?"

I nodded.

"Well, let me tell you what I think about that," she said.

"What?" I questioned.

She looked at me for about five seconds.

Then, out of nowhere, she just decided to slap me.

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