The first dares

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PS. I don't own yugioh and the characters! But I do own the plot and my OC, Yumo. Please don't copy!

Me: we're back!

*Everyone except Me groans*

Me: *reads off a piece of paper* ok, first dare, Joey, Tristan and Seto have to be locked in the same room for the rest of the episode.
Tristan,Joey and Seto: OH HELL NO!!!!!
Us others: Hell yes!!!!!XD
*Yumo, yugi,yami and Tea forces them into an empty room and shuts the door*
Me: that was easy!
* Muffed yells inside the room* let us out or I will beat your face to plump!
Me p: ignore them. Now yugi and yami, you have a dare each. First, yugi, you have to kiss yami then yami has to hit yugi on the head.XD
Both: WHAT!?!?!?!
Yugi:(///*- *\\\) * blush* fine
* yugi kisses yami then both blushes*
Me: sooooooo. How was it.
Yugi: hey! that wasn't part of the dare!
Me: fine. *Then laughs evilly* Now yami will have to hit yugi on the head . HARD.XD
Yami: I'm sorry my aibou.* hits yugi on the head*
Yugi: OUCH!!!!!! *Hits yami on the head*
Yami: Hey!
*Starts fighting*
*Yumo and Tea watching the whole time.*
Me : Let's leave them alone, shall we?
*Walks out or the room, totally forgetting about Joey,Tristan and Seto*
That's the end of this dare. Thanks^_^
Also pls comment on what truth or dares I should do next!

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