.................. I'm speechless

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1K reads?!?!?!?!?!?
Jack: (watching TV beside author, Yumo and the other Yus) shut up, I'm watching a turbo duel.
Zarc: (in his normal form) stop being so rude. You told Yuto to shut up and now the author.
Me: as I was saying........ (Mentally explodes because of all the in formation) THANK YOU TO ALL THE VIEWERS THAT MADE THIS HAPPEN!!!!!!! Um.......what else to say?
Yusei: (watching the duel with Jack) maybe stop yelling?
Me: (takes a deep breath)THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL THE VIEWS!!!!!!
Yumo: (facepalms) that's it (picks author up, throws her out the door, slams the door) problem solved.
( one day later)
Yuma: where's Yumo?
Yuya: (thinks) wasn't he at Jack's house yesterday?
Me: ( trying to hide the blood on her hands and looks at yuya and Yuma innocently) Don't ask me.
P.S. For those that don't know Zarc's normal form, it's this:

 For those that don't know Zarc's normal form, it's this:

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On the right. I just can't help not putting a ship. I'M SORRY!!!

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