Special: Sneekpeek

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Here's a sneekpeek of my new book, yugioh all generation: x readers and ships, happy new year! PS. Sorry that it was so late!

Yugi x Yami (puzzleshipping)
"Yami!" I called.
"Yami! You know that I hate surprises"
I groaned. It was eight in the morning and Yami promised that he will visit me in the game shop at seven forty.
"Yami!" Was my final word before I fell asleep.

Yami's POV:
"But I can't tell him, what if he doesn't return my feelings?" I was arguing with Joey on the phone.
"Don't worry pal, I'm sure he will like you too."
Ok, thanks for the pep talk, I'm at the game shop now.bye"
"Bye yam, good luck!"
I knocked on the door three times and tried to look my best. I didn't tell yugi that today was Valentine's Day, I hope that he won't notice............
"Ok, remember what Joey said, stay calm,"
I saw yugi's grandpa opening the door. "Welcome pharaoh, yugi is waiting upstairs."
Too formal,I thought as I walked up the stairs......
To be continued.....

If you want to read the rest then you will have to find out when I publish the story.😈 Bye!

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