Welcome Vrains!

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Me: (comes into the room) Yo! I'll like to introduce a new character, Yusaku Fuji!
Yusaku: (looks around) nice to meet you
Yuya: Nice to meet you too! I'm yuya.
Yugo: Yo! I'm Yugo!
Yuri: hello, I'm Yuri
Yuto: hey, I'm Yuto.
Yuma: (smiling so much you can't even tell where his eyes are) I'm........
Yusaku: I know who you are, you're Yuma. Yumo there showed me pictures of you and I. On the internet.
Yumo: the others aren't here yet, but there is yugi, yami/atem, yusei and jaden.
Yusei: (comes in with jaden, Yugi  and Yami) you called?
Yugi: (sees Yusaku) hi! The author told us about you, you're Yusaku right?
Yusaku: yes...... And you are yugi?
Yugi: yep! By the way Yuya was complaining that link summoning is better than pendulum summoning.
Yuya: did not
Yusei: did so
Yuya: did not!
Jaden: did so!
Me: (interrupts the argument) anyways since Yusaku is here, then anyone can give him a dare.
Yuma: yesssss!
Jaden: oh boy.....
Me: then until next time!

Sorry about not updating a 'real' chapter for a long time. Anyways, the voting is closed and the result is me publishing a yugioh 5D's and GX crossover ship. thanks for everyone's help!

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