When you get his name wrong

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Yuri:(yells at Yugo) FUSION!!!!
Yugo: (furious and trying to kill yuri but held back by Yumo and Yusei) IT'S NOT FUSION!!!!! IT'S YUGO!!! QHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE  TODAY!?!?!?!?!
Yumo:(straining to hold back Yugo) calm down Yugo. Why do you always try to kill people when they say your name wrong?
Yugo:(ignores Yumo) I SWEAR THAT I WILL KILL YOU!!!
Yumo: Yuma! A little help here would be nice!
Yuma:(lazily) Yumo. Can't you take him somewhere else, you know use your teleporting skills?
Yumo:(accidentally lets go of Yugo) HOW MANY TIME HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY THAT IN PUBLIC!?!?!?!?!
Yugo:( now held back somehow by his clearwings synchro dragon) HEY!!!!
Yuya: (Shouts) stop!stop! Please!
Yumo: (thinks for a bit) Yuya, can I talk to the other side of you?
Yuya: you mean Zarc?
Yumo: yeah, I wanted to give him a dare.
Yuya: then do something really bad.
Yumo:( thinks again) Yuri, would you do me a favour? (Whispers to Yuri)
Yuri: easy! ( cards everybody in sight)
Yuya:(open mouthed, then starts to have a dark aura around him) don't.......even.........think about it Yuri. 
Yumo: here he comes!( gets a rope and ties it around Yuya/Zarc)
Zarc: ( going berserk ) WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?!?!?
Zarc:(silence) not a chance.
Yumo:(shows Zarc his deck and Duel Disc) I got them!
Zarc: how the hell!?!?!?!
Yuri: Now, fusion, let's duel.
Yuri: just duel me.
( five minutes later)
Yuri: Now I fusion summon.
Yugo: MY NAME IS YUGO!!!!!
Yuri:(annoyed) I SAID FUSION SUMMON!!!! Anyways, I fusion summon, Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!!! Now starve venom, attack his life points directly!!
Yugo: I activate action spell! Invasion!
Yuri: dammit.      
Duel Disc:  intrusion penalty 2000 life points.
Yuri: what the hell!?!
Yumo:(ignores Yuri) I draw! Oh yeah! I use scale two igknight gallant and scale eight timegaser magician  to set the pendulum scale! Now I pendulum summon! Come forth my monsters! Two Armed dragons, performapal stamp turtle and Lightplauser Dragon!(phone pings) oh wait, there are more requests! (Stops duel)
Yumo: oh sorry not sorry (Whispers to Yugo), prawn of fusion.
Yugo: ( finally cracked) IT'S NOT FUSION!!!!!! I AM YUGO, Y-U-G-O. IS IT REALLY THAT HARD?????!!!!!
Yumo: yes ( runs for his bloody life)
Yugo: (summons in clear wings synchro dragon) CLRAR WINGS!!!ATTACK THAT YUMO BRAT!!!
Yumo: (still running for his bloody life) Um.. a little help here Lightplauser!(summons Lightplauser dragon)
Yuri: (watching the fight) but yesterday he said that he was yogo....
Flashback: yuri's  POV
I was walking towards yugo's house when I saw him standing at the doorway waiting for me.
"Yo, yo I'm Yogo!"
Oh, he said his name was yogo, that will be a very useful piece of information.
End flashback
(two hours later)
Yuma: so....... how about the dares?
Yumo:( arms, legs and face bleeding from cuts) oh, forgot about that! (Opens phone) now first dare is from
Shu_Kurenai : I dare yuya and his counterparts to sing heathens.
Yuya: (confused) what's heathens?
Yumo: (facepalms) it's a song.

Yuya and his counterparts: .........oh, ok!
Yugo: (still a bit angry) so do we sing together?
Yumo: yes.
Yuma: brace yourselves .......
Yuto: (a bit off tune) all my friends from heathens take it slow........
Yuri: ( bit more off tune than Yuto) wait for them to ask you who you know........
Yugo: ( completely off tune) please don't make any sudden moves.......
Yuya: (somehow completely on tune) you don't know half of the abused......
(Four slow and painful minutes later)
Yumo:(comes out from another room) have they finished?
Yugi:(Holding his ears shut) yes
Yusei: that was painful
Yuma: astral, are you ok?
Astral: observation number 107: some humans sing very badly.
Yugo, Yuri,Yuto: (angry)you saying our singing is bad???
Astral: correction, VERY bad.
Everyone: .........................................
Yumo: ( awkward silence) O..K....•_•...Yugi,please read out the second dare.
Yugi: ok, next dare is from RealMelodyHope : I have a quick little dare for yugi or yami: sing kawaita sekebi

Yugi: isn't that season zero's theme?
Yami: (dark aura) it's game time. Yami-No game.
Yumo: ...... last time you said that you nearly killed all of us.
Yuma: .............
Yugi: yami, at least we are not locked in a room again. Surprisingly you didn't throw the iPad.
Yumo: yugi, are you ok? You were swearing last time.
Yugi: I was?
Yusei: yeah you were.
Yugi:..........but I don't remember .

To be continued.......
Sorry that I wasn't writing often. I was on camp and the school is killing me! The next part of this chapter will be conning soon.
PS for those reading my other book, I will have to put it on hold for a while, sorry!

Yu Gi Oh truth or dares (requests are open)Where stories live. Discover now