When you get his name wrong Part 2

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Please read the previous chapter or you won't be able to understand.

(After the explanation, probably one hour)

Yugo: (looks at picture) wait a moment.......... ISN'T THAT ME?!?!?!
Yuya:............... um.......( summons out odd eyes) RUN!!!!!!

(Yumo, Yuto and yuri summons out each of their dragons strve venom, dark rebellion and number 107 galaxy eyes, everyone runs onto the dragons with Yugo and his clear wings hot on their tail.)
Yumo: guys hold on! We're going into a portal! (Says to his dragon) accelerate!
(Two hours later, in yuto's warehouse)
Yuma: that was close .
Everyone else: (nods heads)
Yuya: (uncertainly) Yumo? Dares?
Yumo: oh, right (gets out phone)
(Wendy_is_cool dares: and I dare everyone to watch hetalia episode 1 beautiful world)
Everyone: ..........................
Me: why do I have a feeling that I saw a hetalia character somewhere?
Yugo: um author? Maybe you invited him here?
Me: right
(A few minutes later, sorry I can't get the video on wattpad! But try this website called openload, it might work)
Yumo: .................................... Ok............................
Yuto: (muttering) south japan......South japan
Yuya: ?????????????? I'm confused
Yusei: (speechless)
Me: well.......um..........(sees everyone's face) ............well let's end this here shall we?
Everyone: right.
Sorry for the late update! I got carried away with watching yugioh, hetalia and assassination classroom! Hope everyone accepts my apology!
Yumo: (whispers to readers) she was playing games.
Me: Yumo, shut up

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