OC Character description

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I just remembered that not everyone knows what Yumo looks like.

Yumo: they don't know what you look like either.

Me: oh well they might (cough, cough)

Yugi: you ok? Are you sick?

Me: (looks at yugi) so innocent

Yugi: .................

Anyways here is the description:

Full name: Yumo Sakuto

Age: 16


Gender: Girl (yumo: hey! Me: JK he's a boy)

Favourite colour: Red

Ace/ faviourt card: Skeleton Dragon

Deck: Skeleton deck

Hair colour: midnight blue

Clothes: blue leather jacket with black t shirt underneath, jeans and red and black hiking boots.

Eye colour: dark blue ( goes black when angered, not much difference though)

History: Yumo is an orphan who was possessed by a demon due to a contract his dad made with the demon.

Powers: teleportation (the energy consumption depends on the distance of the location that he is teleporting to) Can see duel spirits.

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