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Tiffany as Ashley Benson. :)



Chapter 6

Alexandra's P.O.V

I have to be honest. Yesterday night was not as awesome as I thought, because it was terrific! I now know that Amber is 203 years old. She can use telekinesis and has the power to control the element of Earth. Awesome~.

Chase? Well, let's see. He can use mind link, can read thoughts (that really made Amber blush deep red), can make imaginary things alive and have the power to control the element of fire and air. He's a blessed vampire. He has many abilities. Perhaps the reason his favorite color is red, because of his element, fire? Oh yeah, he said he's 192 years old. Our difference is just 7 years. See? We are meant to be.

What about the Great Alexandra Grey, you ask? I just told them that I have telekinesis, can use mind link, can read thoughts and have the power to control water and air. Yeah, I didn't said all of my powers. I have to be careful saying what's my power, because a lot of vampires wants my power. Ooh! It rhymes!

Many vampires have been targeting me since I was 13. Dad said I have a powerful power within me.  I think it has to do with dragons? So, when I was 13, a man who looks like a hobo talked to me. Saying if I don't come with him, my dad will die.

What do you think? Did I come or not? Of course I'd come, but I came along because I want to interrogate this man. Who does he think he is?  I'm not that stupid. Well, yeah, it is kind of stupid to go with a man, who you don't even know, but that man doesn't know I'm a vampire. A growing vampire that is.

So, after 30 minutes of walking, we finally stopped.


"Where's my daddy?" I asked, my voice sounding terrified. I'm a good~ actress.

"To think that Bartholomew's daugther would be this stupid," The hobo said darkly. I ain't stupid, you old prune!

"What..?" I'm really a good actress. My eyes are now wide as a ball. I can't wait to see his shock face.

"I CAME TO TAKE YOUR POWER, STARLIGHT PHOENIX!!" What is this crazy old prune saying? Who the hell is Starlight Phoenix? Is he lunging at me? Why, at a time like this, am I thinking?!

I am quite in a shocked state. I don't know why, but when I looked at the crazy old prune's eyes, it was like he froze me. Now, I am just standing here, just thinking, while him, is ready to attack at me anytime now. I don't even know why he's going attack me.

The crazy old prune's fist is now ready to punch me. My eyes are now as wide as a saucer. In an instant, someone's hand caught the crazy old prune's fist before it collides to my face, and punched him square in the face. Oh, come on. I was supposed to do that.

"Stay away from my daughter, you crazy psycothic bastard." Someone said. Venom laced through the person's voice. It was kind of familiar. Oh, wait. The person said 'my daughter'. So it's dad?  Why the hell didn't I recognize his voice?

"Alex, are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Can you move?" My suspicions are correct. It's dad after all.

"Shit. He paralyzed you." Did he just cursed in front of me? I think he did. "Alex, I want you to think of Mama, Papa and Robert. Picture us being happy. Can you do it?" Okay? I think I can.

I did as I was told. I pictured my family happy. Me and Robert playing. Mom and Dad watching us, while talking. Smiles were plastered on our faces.

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