1st Day of School: Part 1

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Yo! How's it going? :D

By the way. That's Alexandra Grey as Alexis Bledel in the media. ;)

Chapter 2

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Yesterday was a blast! Note the sarcasm. We were so emotional. You know, I can be awarded being a drama queen. Okay, I'm exaggerating. I just hate being all so smoochy like that. Well, can't blame myself. We're going to be separated from our parents for months. Like a pony tail cut in half.

I really suck at jokes.

'Hmm.. What time is it?' I thought as I took a glance over the clock. 5:30 a.m. Good! An hour and a half before school starts. 'Now, what should I do?' I thought again as I put my hands over my chin as if I had some beard. Though I want a beard. It's cool! Rubbing it up and down. BUT that will ruin my face. Then, I don't wanna have some beard.

'Aha!' I thought. 'Time for Operation: Prank Big Bro by choosing Popularity or Me,' I thought evilly. I'm so... I don't know. Villainous, evil? Something like that. If I'm evil then I will look like someone who is in the rain while thunder-ing in the middle of the night, laughing loudly while clasping my hands together! Oh no! That really must be evil. Then, that means I'm evil..? Wah! I don't want to be evil! But mom did said I'm not evil, so I'm not! *nods head up and down absentmindedly* Yeah! I'm not!

So, for the prank!!

1 hour later...

I put on some geeky clothes and geeky accessories on me. After that, I put on some geeky glasses that's almost big as my hand. Then, I did my hair. Finally, the makeover! I looked over the mirror. What I see right now is the most geeky person I've seen, because I put all the geeky things on me. Makes sense. Ooh! I'm making sense. I'm so going to tell this to Robert later.

"Alex! You ready for school?" Someone yelled and knocked several times at my door. I already assumed it was Robert. Then, if it's not him, it could be a kidnapper! If it's a kidnapper, why'd he know my name? If it's a human, I can smell the blood in their vein, but what if it's a vam-

"Alex! Are you even there?!" My impatient brother, Robert, yelled yet again.

"I'm going to be a little late. So, go on without me today. Sorry!" I yelled back. Actually, I'm lying. Mom said lying is bad. So, that means I'm bad?! I'm not a bad person! Mom told me something about white lies. She said something about 'it is a harmless lie.' Yeah! It's a white lie! So, I'm not bad!

I'm so trying hard to be a good girl right now.

"Okay. Just be careful, 'kay? Drink some blood before you go. Also, do you know the location? I have a map here if you want one," Robert said with concern. Awww, he's such a sweet bratha'.

"Yeah, I'll be careful. It's not like they're vampires too. By the way, thanks for reminding me to drink some blood before I go and it's okay. I already know the location. I don't need a map too," I replied, still fascinated at the fact that I look geeky on these geeky accessories on me. That's so redundant, it's amazing.

"Okay then. I'll go now. Bye! Lock the door before you go out!" yelled Robert, who is now outside the house.

"Bye. Thanks for reminding me again! See you later!" I yelled back, smiling wickedly at the thought of the prank. I'm so... Oh, wait. I already got over this. I'm not bad.

Phew! He's gone. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'Why would you prank your brother? He's so sweet and protective over you.' Well, I want some revenge. Last week, he put some beverages in my body while there's a hideous make-up on my face just because I ate, more specifically, drank, his favorite blood type. I smell like alcohol and juice mixed together. That seriously got me a headache. My face looks like a clown while crying. That's why he's going to pay!

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