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Chapter 8

Alexandra's P.O.V.

"BINGO!!" Amber suddenly shouted in the air of intensity.

"That's unfair!! How could you have 7 straight wins?!" My brother, Robert,  shouted back at Amber. Robert is facing Amber. His face is scowling, showing he is irritated at Amber.

"I'm just good at it," Amber replied rather calmly with a proud smile. She's looking down on my brother. That's bad, because Robert doesn't like being looked down upon.

"Ugh! I quit!!" This is so funny! Seeing your brother pissed off is just plain funny! It's like I'm pranking without even trying.

What happened? Let's see.

An hour ago, Robert asked me if I wanted to play bingo. Of course, I said yes. I got nothing to do anyways. Austin isn't here with me. Why? He said something about visiting a friend.

Anyway, I agreed, but Chase and Amber heard him. So, we all played. By the way, we're at our house. Amber and Chase just came to visit me, because they got nothing to do at their home, and I'm their entertainer. Thoughtful friends, am I right?

"RAGE QUITTER!!" Did Amber just said that? This is too funny. They are like an old - really, really old - married couple fighting over who really got the high score in Flappy Bird.

They've been doing this since last week and it was just so adorable watching them fightt. Adorable and fight are not really a good combination, huh? However, that doesn't matter, because it's already adorable.

"Shut up, Color," Robert lamely said to Amber. Robert has the face of a sore loser. It's laughable to look at.

"You shut up, Mars," Amber countered, a scowl formed in her face.

How did it became Color and Mars? Let's just say it became Color, because amber is a color (Like, duh) and Mars, because Robert accidentally spilled red and orange colors of painting at himself when we are all painting at our house. Ironically, he was painting the planet Mars.

"You shut up, Mars," Robert mimicked Amber in a horrible tone. Ugh. His voice is so irritating to hear when he mimicks Amber. It's like he's trying to say it in a suprano tone.

"I leave you two lovebirds alone," I informed them as I went to the kitchen to get blood. With them fighting, I got nothing to do anymore. While walking, the sound of bickering produced by Amber and Robert slowly faded. I sighed. They both know that when they start to bicker, it'll end for another five hours. Childish adults these days.

After a couple of gulps drinking the blood, I got up to my room just to see Chase sitting in my bed, looking deep in thought. "You know, it's rude to go through other people's bedroom without their permission, right?" I asked, walking towards him.

Remember that I got nervous talking to him when Austin was about to register? I still feel nervous, but I can handle that. No one can get Alexandra Grey! Even with the stupid nervousness. Though, I was scared of it. Alexandra Grey, scared? Yes, I got scared of it these past few days, because I can't shake it off.

However, I don't need to worry now, because I can now get it off by talking to Chase comfortably. I haven't said anything to Austin, my mate, because he might flip out. I mean, not might, but really flip out.

"I got bored playing. Besides, I want to see the Great Alexandra Grey's bedroom." 

"You don't have to be sarcastic."

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just thinking." Thinking? I know he's smart and all, but thinking?! He never thinks! Like that one time when he accidentally blurt out to a human we're vampires. I scolded him for thirty good minutes. It was a relief though, because the human just laughed it off.

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