Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.


This was the day it actually started changing.

A smile appears on my face whenever I think of that day.

Well, Akshay and I have been friends for the past 6 years but we didn't meet up much.

To tell you the truth we only met a handful of times until that day. Since that day everything about our relationship kind of started to change.

Our class had just ended and we were heading towards our next class when suddenly my friend Suzie started feeling dizzy and nauseous.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Hepsi asked her, placing a supporting hand on her shoulder. That girl is just too kind.

"No, My stomach hurts." Suzie said with a hand on her belly.

"Oh! I will drop you home come on. There aren't any important classes anyway now." I said and she agreed.

I was just taking her towards the parking lot of our college when Hepsi and Mona my two best friends stopped me.

"Hey Sha, grab some McDonalds while coming back. Okay?"Hepsi asked and I nodded because I love McD so damn much.

My two other classmates tagged along with me cause they wanted to bunk the rest of the day and asked me to drop them off at Suzie's house.

I dropped them off and was on my way to McD and was making a U-turn when another car hit the front wheel of the driver's side and I was jerked so violently that my shoulder hit the door. The impact had disturbed the alignment of my front wheel and I was in the middle of the road. The other car didn't even wait they just took reverse and ran off. I was too flustered to see the number plate. Somehow I managed to get my car to the road side and thank heavens a mechanic garage was nearby. I asked the dude for help and I guess he saw me as a little sister and came by to help me.

I quickly sent Hepsi and Mona a text about what happened and they didn't respond so I guess they were in Dean's class because that is the one class students don't even dare to touch their phones.

In that instance I realized that Akki's college wasn't that far and if he was free he would come help me out.

So without thinking much about it I called him.

He answered in just two rings, "Hey Sha?"

He seemed confused that I called at this hour. "Yeah. Are you free?"

"Yes. What's wrong?" He asked.

"I got into an accident. Can you make it here. I am infront of the arch on the highway near my college."

"I will be there in 5 minutes." With that he hung up and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey. Will it be okay?" I asked the garage dude.

"Listen girl, the ball joint is broken and needs to be replaced. I can somehow weld it together and you can get it fixed at the showroom later. Okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you."


"That hurt you dim-Oh hey!" I said when I realized the one who smacked me on my head was none other than Akki.

"What hey you idiot. You scared the shit out of me. I knew you were okay cause your voice didn't seem to say otherwise but still don't just call and say u were in an accident you dimwit." He said all in one breathe and hit my head.

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