Chapter 16 - The End.

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Chapter 16.

After the end.

Time heals all wounds, this can be said for physical wounds, and then you are left with a scar.

But what about an emotional wound? Does it truly ever heal? Do you pretend to forget about the hurt caused and then at 3am one night you start bawling your eyes out because you can't pretend anymore, because all the memories that you swore you won't reminisce, just come down on you all at once?

In my opinion emotional wounds take years to heal and even then it isn't completely healed. The wound leaves behind this invisible scar with a dull ache. What time does is, teach you how to not let the pain consume you.

Atleast that's what happened to me.

After that call, to be honest, I was hoping Akshay would call me the next day or atleast the next week. Time passed by, but I never got that call. Krishna, my high school friend helped me heal. He didn't let the pain of losing a friend consume me. He helped me survive through it and I am so thankful for that.

It was my birthday and it had been almost 4 months since I and Akshay ended. Secretly I was wishing for him to text me or call me. But I didn't want to accept that to myself, because I didn't wanna get my hopes up.

At 4:00 AM on my birthday the vibration of my phone woke me up. I see with one eye open that Akshay has texted me on Instagram, saying:

"Hey, hi! I wish you a very happy birthday. I know you didn't expect me wishing you, but am your friend yar. May you overcome all ups and downs in your life and get a very good life. Hope everything is going on great with you. Obviously it should, because you are Shalini na. I wish you happy birthday once again. Party hard. May god bless you. I would add 'idiot' in there, but I don't know if I should or not. But still you are an idiot. And forgot to say, am in Australia."

Tears rolled down my eyes. I had to double read it to be sure of what all he said.

He went to Australia, good for him, but he didn't even think about telling me before he left? How could he be this way? I understand if you wouldn't wanna see me before you left, but didn't I deserve to atleast know about it much sooner? He should have sent me text atleast right before he switched off his phone after boarding his plane to Australia. I felt hurt and sad. At that point I really wished he hadn't texted me to wish me on my birthday.

I replied him: "Thank you" and went back to sleep.

A few hours later he did text me

A: How's life?

S: Good.

A: How are you? What are you up to?

S: Nothing much.

A: You are angry on me, I get it.

S: How could you go to Australia and not find it in you to let me know?

A: I did tell you now right?

S: Sure.

A: You still haven't lost the attitude. Fine, anyways I thought because it was your birthday, it would be nice to wish you. I saw Krishna's post on Instagram, maybe you are in a relationship with him. Good. Have fun. Have a great day.

S: Yes. No one in my life has any problem with my attitude, so it's good. Thank you for the wish, but I really didn't need it. I thought I couldn't be happy without you in my life, but I was wrong. I am happy. Bye Akshay.

I mean, I wasn't surprised anymore. It was just this sad feeling that's left, that's all. It was my birthday. Did I really deserve to be treated this way, by someone I thought was my best friend? I knew the answer to that question and that's why I guess, I didn't wait for a reply from him.

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