(10) Camping {Day 1}

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    I awoke in the morning to see Aleks still cuddled deep into my shirt. I wanted to get up, but I didn't want to disturb him. I gently tucked my arms into my sleeves, and scooted my head down. Aleks barely even noticed. I finally got to the bottom of the shirt, and sighed. I got up and walked down to the living room, shirtless. I was surprised to see every one of the Creatures down in the living room, talking. Sp00n, Seamus, Eddie, Jordan, and Dan all blabbled quietly. Sp00n looked up and saw me, and waved me over. "Hey sexy," he laughed as I sat beside him, eyeing my naked torso, "We were all talking about what we could do for a little vacation. Wanna go get Aleks? Did he even stay here last night?" I stiffened. Eddie and Jordan exchanged glances.

   "Uh... yeah. He's upstairs in my room. Fell asleep playing video games. I-I'll go get 'im." I stuttered, and climbed the stairs yet again. I opened the bedroom door to see Aleks already starting to sit up, my shirt falling off of his left shoulder. He rubbed one eye, and blinked. "Hey, sleepy," I whispered, "Come downstairs. All the guys are here." He yawned, and nodded slowly. He took off my shirt, but instead of just leaving his on, he removed his own, and replaced it with my huge one. I smiled at him. He looked adorable. He was a size smaller than me, so the shirt was gigantic on him, more like a toga than a shirt. "C'mon, cutie," I held out my hand to him. He set his hand on top of mine gently, and weakily stood up. Aleks was never really a morning person. His chocolate brown hair stuck out in random places (probably from falling asleep with it damp), and he had dark circles under his eyes. I looked down at his legs. The shirt was long, too. It reached his knees. He itches his neck and yawned again, and began to walk in front of me. Aleks stumbled down the stairs, and I followed, and took my seat by Sp00n on the couch. Aleks sat next to me, leaning against my shoulder sleepily.

  "So," Jordan started, "We have all been talking for a bit, and I think everyone so far has agreed on camping up in Estes Park for a weekend. Are you two up for it?" I shrugged. 

  "Why not?" I replied, and smiled. Aleks nodded.

  "Great! Camping it is, then! We'll leave tomorrow morning, and stay for... how about 3 nights?" Everyone muttered in approval. Aleks' head fell limply onto my lap, and he snored quietly.

   Everybody's alarm clock went off at 6am. I sat up in bed as my alarm blared in my ear. Aleks jumped and slipped off the bed, landing with a hard thump, and letting out a low groan.

    We all rushed around the house, packing clothes, toiletries, tents, sleeping bags, and food. At 6:30, we all planned on who was driving with who. Seamus paired up with Dan, Sp00n got together with Jordan and Eddie, and of course, me and Aleks paired up. At 7am, we all took our individual bags of clothing and necessities and shoved them into our cars. Aleks and I decided to take my Jeep, since Aleks' little Nissan couldn't handle everything. "Did you grab the space heater?" I asked him.

   "How the fuck do I know," mumbled a very grumpy Aleks. "Who grabbed the space heater!?" He shouted to the others.

   "I grabbed all 5," Seamus yelled back, "Just in case!" Aleks acted as if he were presenting Seamus to me, and rolled his eyes, getting into the front seat. I sighed and slipped into the drivers' side, sticking the key into the ignition, starting the car. I felt my stomach turn. Probably nothing... Aleks cuddled up into a ball.

   "Are you cold?" I asked, waiting for Dan and Jordan to pull thier cars out in front of me. Aleks shrugged. I reached into the back seat and pulled a blanket out from under the seat, and laid it on Aleks. He snuggled into it, and muttered a "thank you". Within minutes, he was asleep.

  We drove for about an hour, not even close to the small town of Estes. I had the radio playing softly, and Aleks slowly started to stir. He blinked a few times and looked over at me. I turned my eyes back to the road, following Dan's black pick-up truck. Aleks yawned, turned off the music, and touched my arm. "James," he slurred, "I'm sorry."

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