(20) There's This Guy. He Lives In My Room. Oh, Yeah, And He's A Ghost.

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The voting is OVER!!!

I counted up the votes!!!!

You probably know who won, but I'm not saying anything, just in case you don't!!!

Thanks for the feedback on how often you would like me to update.

It was so close... updating everyday won by about 1 mark.

So... yeah, I'm going to try my best to update everyday, though this may not always be possible.

I'm going to try to make them longer, too... but I do suck at long chapters, and I might not always have time, so...


There's This Guy. He Lives In My Room. Oh, Yeah, And He's A Ghost.

Chapter 20

Miles's POV

After I finish typing, my hands hurt like crazy.

I turn away from the computer screen, towards Finn and Taylor.

Their eyes are fixed on the screen, their mouths hanging open.

"Sh*t..." Finn murmurs.

"You are NOT serious," Taylor finishes for him.

' 'Fraid so," I type, with my poor aching hands.

"But..." Taylor starts. "How the hell do you know all this?!"

"Well..." I hesitate. I mean, I'm not sure I want to tell them this, as what happens after you die is some big secret that no one knows about. Then again, if this is going to make any sense, I suppose I have to tell them. "When I died, I went to There."

"There?" Finn says, questionably.

"Yes, There. It was, is, amazing. I can't even describe it, it's so great. I wasn't on earth, yet I could see everything, everyone..." I pause. "I saw you guys. I watched you."

Taylor blushes. "So you know about Finn and I...?"

I nod, smiling slightly, even though it hurt my heart. "About you two being together? Yes, I do. And I'm totally happy for you." This is only partly a lie. I'm happy that they're happy, but I'm not happy they're together. I'm not the worlds best liar, so I'm real glad they can't see my face.

I shake myself, trying to focus. "Anyway, like I said. As well as seeing everything, we could predict the future. Not small things, only big things. And, as you can imagine, this is pretty big."

Finn, the one to question everything, says, "But how do you know it's the truth? Everyone makes mistakes."

"Because we saw them planning it," I write bluntly, resisting the urge to add 'duh' on the end. Did he not hear me say that we can watch people? Jeez.

"Wait," Taylor says, as if something's just occurred to her. "What's this to do with us? Why send you back to tell us?"

"Because i don't want you to die?!"

"Okay...so do you want us to stop it from happening?"

I glance over at Finn. He face is hard, real hard. "No,"

"Why not?" She asks, confused.

"As long as you don't go, you'll be safe." That's for sure, i add silently.

"But what about all those people? And Finn's been planning this trip for ages."

He sure has.

"Yeah," Finn says, his voice filled with fury. "We're going."

"No, you're not," trying to convey how angry i am.

"Look," He says, his voice filled with fury of his own. "I don't believe any of this crap. You're lying. And we're going."

Taylor nods, slowly. "Yeah, Miles," She says. "I don't think i believe it either. Maybe you got it wrong."

And so that was that. ~~~ I'm sorry, I know this probably isn't much longer than usual, but the vote WAS shorter ones everyday, and I'm just so HUNGRY!!!

Love ya!



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